Recently Adopted Yorkshire Terrier Puppies Near Washington Parish
Yorkie puppies, male
We are BBB members, all are. CKC reg, UTD vac/worm, love hugs and kisses, great with kids and other animals. Meet by appt, take cash, have CKC application, proof of meds given, and sample of dogfood.View Detail
adorable Micro +++Teacup+++ male and Female +++yorkie
have some very smart and beautiful puppies . They are ready to join your family now. They have had their first shot and have been wormed. They have been around cats, small dogs and some livestock. All hold their tail over their back. Please be familiar with these types of dogs. I have updated the pics to show them when they were younger and now. They are learning basic commands and getting used to a leash. This is Mia mous They are extremely tiny micro hiskies. Thier mom was a lbs imperial husky and dad was a pound husky. Mia (female) is charting to be lbs grown. She is 11 weeks and 12.5 ounces! She looks like a fake fuzzy stuffed toy lol. She has short little legs and a short cobby body. She has a huge loving personality and just loves people. She is scared of nothing and thinks she is pounds l. Meeko (male) is charting to be lbs.View Detail