Teacup Yorkie puppies 2 girls and 1 boy at $1500. Our babies have been handled since birth. We are not a puppy mill and this is the 1st litter. They will come with 1st round of shots and dewormed, tails docked, and dewclaws removed, with health checkups/ documents from our veterinarian. Date of Birth: 12/7/24 Dad: Yorkshire Terrier - 5.0 lb Mom: Yorkshire Terrier - 4.5lb The pups are 4 weeks old and will be ready on 2/7/25. A deposit of $100 is required and is nonrefundable. Breed Profile: The Yorkshire Terrier, or Yorkie, is a small, energetic breed celebrated for its elegant, long, and silky coat. Standing about 7 to 8 inches tall and weighing 4 to 7 pounds, the Yorkies hypoallergenic fur is a significant advantage for allergy sufferers. This coat sheds minimally and produces less dander compared to other breeds, reducing the likelihood of triggering allergies. Call or text for more info Elena xxx-xxx-xxxx