Recently Adopted Mixed Puppies Near Fulton County
ADOPT - Beautiful Rescue Dog
Love was found starving on the side of the road with her friends Peace, Patience, and Joy, Love has shown an incredible spirit despite what she has gone through. She has some scars that hint at a history of abuse, but she does not show any signs of aggression at all. She is incredibly sweet and loving, always ready to offer a cuddle and a wagging tail. Her gentle nature and affectionate personality make her a perfect companion for anyone looking for a loyal friend. If you’re looking for a dog who will fill your life with warmth and joy, Love is the perfect dog for you. All or our contact info is on our website which is our username.View Detail
ADOPT - Hound Mix
Patience is the only male among the group of dogs we rescued, including Love, Peace, and Joy. He is a super loving boy who absolutely adores cuddling and being close to People. Though he can get a little nervous at times, Patience has never shown any signs of aggression. He is a bit submissive and tends to be cautious in new situations, but his gentle nature shines through. With a bit of reassurance and love, he quickly warms up and shows his affectionate side. If you’re looking for a loyal and cuddly companion who just needs a bit of extra love and patience, Patience is the perfect choice. He will bring warmth and joy to any home lucky enough to have him. Our website is our username, and all of our contact information is on there.View Detail
ADOPT - Very sweet girl
We found Peace, along with her siblings Love, Patience, and Joy, starving on the side of the road. It is clear that Peace had endured a lot. Peace is the smallest and most delicate of her friends. She has a sweet, loving nature and craves affection. When you pet her, she whines softly, as if she’s trying to make up for all the love she missed out on in her past. Peace loves to cuddle and always wants to be close to her humans, finding comfort in their presence. Though she was the scrawniest of the group, Peace is slowly gaining strength and confidence. She still needs a bit more time to heal and grow before she’s ready for adoption, but we know that with the right family, she will flourish into a happy, healthy dog. If you’re looking for a loyal companion who will appreciate every bit of kindness you show her, Peace might just be the perfect addition to your family. Our website is our username, and all of our contact information is on there.View Detail
FREE TO A GOOD HOME Young Rescue Dog
Toaster is a very energetic stray that we rescued a few months ago, and unfortunately we do not have enough time or money to keep her. She also loves other dogs.
When we first saw her at a nearby house she was missing a eye and could not walk on her front leg. Before we were able to let our neighbor know that we wanted to help her, he had already went out and shot her. We were heartbroken, so you can imagine our surprise when 2 days later we saw her trotting down the road (We knew it was her because of the missing eye and limp).
When we talked to the guy again he said that he is not to sure why she was still alive because he had shot her with a 22.. We took her home right away this time. When we got her home and looked at her further we realized that she had a very big bruise on her head (we are guessing that she got knocked out and he thought she was dead). When we brought her to the vet for her leg he said that the injury was from her getting shot a while ago. Her leg is now healed and she is able to walk on it.View Detail
Looking for good home
Pinball and Lab are a remarkable combination, as they possess a strong sisterly bond. It is worth noting that their intellect is truly exceptional.View Detail
Meet Frida!
Meet Frida...she's a work of art! Cattle dog mix, 44lbs of sweetness. She's leash and general obedience trained with the ATL Dog Trainer.
Great with other people and pets! I rescued her from a kill shelter to foster after my dear eldest shepherd passed.View Detail
!!NOW AVAILABLE!! Adorable Poodle Terrier mix
We had a litter of 8 Rat Toodle/Rattle puppies in December and they are ready to go to their new home! We only have 5 left, all males. Rat Toodles/Rattles are a mix between a Miniature Poodle and a Rat Terrier. Poodles have hypoallergenic fur and are one of the smartest dogs, while Rat Terriers are very energetic, playful, and rank high on intelligence, so this makes them a perfect mix for someone who wants a smart, playful, and adorable puppy! They come in all sorts of colors. We have 7 boys and 1 girl. xxxx If you are interested, want photos, or have any questions.View Detail
Rat Toodle/Rattle (Rat Terrier & Poodle Mix)
We have a litter of 8 Rat Toodle/Rattle puppies looking for their forever home in February this year.
Rat Toodles/Rattles are a mix between a Miniature Poodle and a Rat Terrier. Poodles have hypoallergenic fur and are one of the smartest dogs, while Rat Terriers are very energetic, playful, and rank high on intelligence, so this makes them a perfect mix for someone who wants a smart, playful, and adorable puppy!
They come in all sorts of colors. We have 7 boys and 1 girl.
#1 black with white spots on chest, neck, and paw, male
#2 black with small white spot on neck, male
#3 black, male
#4 brown with white spots on neck, chest, paw, and tip of tail, female RESERVED
#5 cream colored, male
#6 brown with white spots on neck, chest, and each paw, male
#7 chocolate colored with white spots on chest and neck, male
#8 black, male RESERVED
Please contact us for price.
Our dogs are raised on Following Creation Farm, where we have Nigerian dwarf goats, Kunie Kunie pigs, American Gunia Hog Kunie Kunie mix, chickens, turkey, and quail. ALL our animals are raised naturally with minimal conventional medications, and as close to nature as possible. We also sell other foods and goods from our farm.
Our puppies are being weaned onto a raw diet (meat, yogurt, eggs, small amount of veg), and are being litter trained. Holistic health care (no jabs, herbal deworming) All puppies will come with a week's worth of food, a crate, and a small sample of natural products to start your pups on.
We will not ship our puppies via air transport. They may be picked up on our farm in Alabama, or we can deliver for a fee to certain areas of the following states:
• Alabama
• Georgia
• Tennessee
• Virginia
• West Virginia
• Maryland
• Pennsylvania
• New York
• Vermont
Please reach out to us for a puppy adoption form.
Please contact us for price.View Detail
3 Born in 3 sets at 3 Separate Times From The Same Mother.
hi my name is michael. i am a private american natixnal civilian. thank yxu fxr clicking this pxst and celebrating life with me.
my daughter azraella a brxwn and white american bully pitbull and my sxn, anubis, a black and white blue fawn xl pitbull have just given birth tx sxme amazing children. each temple guard needing a gxxd hxme and family tx thrive with and prxtect.
they were bxrn september xx, xxx3 in grxups xf 3. each grxup has a theme fxr each child’s name. azraella gave birth x males and x female, all xf which are healthy and very strxng. all xf these babies have been purged xf parasites, pathxgens, heavy metals, free radicals, artificial txxins, and alsx had their dna/rna repaired, and their cellular bxdies strengthened in every way. all xf the children have a lilac like hue tx their cxat, and have had nx prxblem latching. we dx nxt use any bxttles because we knxw that it helps tx imprxve a child’s senses and instills a will tx survive when they must find their mxthers tit.
cxme, let me intrxduce yxu tx my grandchildren.
the first grxup i call the hxly trinity. my wife and i used the wxrd trinity tx make 3 unique names.
x. the first bxrn is a male with dark brxwn fur, and white marks xn his nxse and chest. his name is 3 (prxnxunced tree) “tri.” he is alsx knxwn as 33.
x. the secxnd bxrn is a female with white, brxwn, and black fur with black tiger stripes alxng her back her name is na “nit.” she is alsx knxwn as nitty bxx.
3. the third bxrn is a male with gray fur and a white mark xn his nxse his name is big “y”ee (lxng y sxund that ends with e). he is alsx knxwn as biggie.
the secxnd grxup i call the gxd cxmplex. they are all named after the aspects xr things that pexple relate tx the great i am that i am.
x. :::::rehxmed:::::::::::::::the fxrth bxrn is a female with black fur sxme white xn her nxse and a white chest her name is xmnipxtent xr yxu can call her xmni fxr shxrt. :::::::::::::::rehxmed:::::
x. the fifth bxrn is a female with dark brxwn fur and a small white mark xn her chest and stxmach her name is heavenly bxdy xr yxu can call her heaven fxr shxrt.
6. :::::rehxmed:::::::::::::::the 6th bxrn is a male with white fur cxvered with a unique pattern xf black dxts his name is truth. :::::::::::::::rehxmed:::::
the third and final set i call the gxlden age. they are all named after the type xf beings that were sent tx change the wxrld, the kind xf spirit thxse beings have, and the attitude yxu must have during these times tx thrive safely in abundance.
x. the xth bxrn is a male with x types xf light brxwn fur and a white mark xn his chest. his name is indigx starseed. his nicknames are star, xr indigx.
8. the 8h bxrn is a female with white fur cxvered in gray spxts with a gxlden brxwn mixed intx the gray her name is agape lxve. her nickname is lxve.
9. the ninth bxrn is a male with white fur and big dark brxwn spxts his name is aquarian the cxuragexus. his nickname is aquarian.
upxn the rehxming xf every child xur extended family will be prxvided with the fxllxwing:
-an amazing new family member (fur baby)
-a cxpy xf bixcxre vxlume x: by michaud small (teaches hxw tx eliminate causes xf disease sx the bxdy man xr animal can heal)
-free care packaged with a 3x minute cxnsultatixn tx prxvide instructixns fxr hxw tx use items prxperly.
-access tx xur extended family telegram grxup
my wife and i are currently taking rehxming requests. we are family cxmpleters, nxt dxg breeders... hxwever, this is a first cxme first serve basis. if yxu are interested in x xf these pxwerful temple guards and wxuld like pictures, please text xr call xxx-xxx-xxxx (x-x-x; x-x-x; x-x-x-x) fxr mxre details. thank yxu sx much fxr reading and we lxxk fxrward tx hearing frxm yxu.
nxte::: there is a delivery fee tx drxp the dxgs xff depending xn yxur lxcatixn. all meetings will be in a public place.
nxte x::: pictures/videxs, and xther matters pertaining tx these babies will be prxvided upxn request.
nxte 3::: there is a cxst tx rehxme these babies. serixus inquires xnly.View Detail
Italian Mastiff cane corso
Italian Mastiff cane corso hybrid
Well maintained and sweet girl. We love our girl dearly but unfortunately due to a life event, we can no longer keep our big baby. she is 2 years old, we had her since she was very young. She will be due for shots this year in November . She is excellent around adults kids and other dogs (of all sizes)..
Properly trained, very intelligent, excellent guard dog. We love her dearly and hope to find a good home for this big girl. We had her living indoor. She also loves the outdoor and nature walks. She has been house trained and I’m willing to workout a deal but it will NOT be cheapView Detail
Exotic Mastiff Puppies
Exotic Mastiff Hybrids Male & Females
I am rehoming my 8 weeks old Boerboel x Presa canario x American Bully hybrid pups Please research the Bred ( Domitius Maximus Mastiff ) before contacting for inquiries.
They have had 3 rounds of vaccinations & Dewormer.
Crate Trained
Tails docked
There is a rehoming fee to Assure they go to a Good Home & Family.
Google Search: Domitius Maximus MastiffView Detail
Mix loving puppy looking for a new home
He has all his shots a chip if lost we adopted him as a baby pup he is amazing with babies and other dogs don’t jump on furniture loves car rides is such a great buddyView Detail
He’s got he’s vaccine
He’s got vaccinated and he’s still going to the trainingView Detail
Sweet and Playful Aussie/Basset Hound Puppy
Maya is a very sweet and affectionate 10 month old Australian Shepherd/Basset Hound puppy, always wagging her happy tail. She is very energetic and loves to run outside and play with her toys. She loves every person she sees and just wants them to play with her. There is a cat in the home that she likes to play with and they chase each other back and forth. She rarely barks, only when she hears someone at the front door when she's out of her crate. I love this puppy to pieces. She just doesn't have the space to really get her energy out, and I work 6-7 days a week, so I'm not able to give her the attention she deserves. I want nothing more than for her to go to a good home with an owner who can truly make her happy and comfortable. She is an amazing companion and extremely sweet. She is crate trained, so that's where she sleeps, and stays when I'm not home. She also will get your attention to take her outside to the restroom.View Detail
Adorable dog for sale!
My new landlord doesn’t allow pets so I must sell my dog. He’s still a puppy, got him in January for my birthday. He needs his shots and he’s not neutered.
(xxx)xxx-xxxxView Detail
Attention Dog Lovers!
Mixed PuppiesView Detail
Puppies Border Collie - Australian Shepherd Mix
Border Collie Australian Shepherd mix puppies! This mix is also known as Border Aussies. 8 beautiful puppies consisting of 5 girls and 3 boys born 12/1/2021. Available after January 26th. Local pick up only from Atlanta GA (Johns Creek area). Puppies can be reserved with a deposit.View Detail
Husky pit bull mix
Three month old husky - pit bull mix puppy. Very playful with high energy. Loves the outdoors, so great for someone who likes to run. He has already received his first round of shots, including deworming. Price includes large crate, large food container with recently purchased 25lb bag dog food. Also comes with pet insurance which has been confirmed can be transferred to the new owner. He’s a real cutie and a great catch!View Detail
Sweet 10month old mixed puppy
Energetic 40lb 10 month old mixed breed puppy that loves to cuddle and be in your lap. Loves people and always wants to play. She is house trained, crate trained and up to date on all vaccines. Not leash trained, but working on it. She has not been around other dogs, cats or children. She has a skin condition on her back that the vet said should clear up and is getting better everyday. She would love a yard where she can run off some of her puppy energy.
Please email xxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
Male mixed breed puppy for sale
mother of puppy is a chug, father is a Chihuahua, Pug, Boston Terrier Blue Heeler mix. Puppy is a beautiful chocolate brown color with a triangular white bib on his chest running down his belly. His color is identical to a chocolate lab although there is no Labrador in the puppy. He is the tallest of three boys at just under 8 weeks old he is about 8 lbs. I expect him to be between 16 and 24 in tall weighing in at between 25 and 30 lbs. He loves people loves defense and has shown high intellect passing the blanket test learning his name by 6 weeks old and learning to fetch by 6 weeks old. The entire line from mother and father are very sweet dispositioned and like other animals as well as children and people. Video is available upon request.View Detail