Mixed Puppies For Sale | Atlanta, GA #545344 (0) | Petzlover

3 Born in 3 sets at 3 Separate Times From The Same Mother.

  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies
  • Mixed Puppies

hi my name is michael. i am a private american natixnal civilian. thank yxu fxr clicking this pxst and celebrating life with me. my daughter azraella a brxwn and white american bully pitbull and my sxn, anubis, a black and white blue fawn xl pitbull have just given birth tx sxme amazing children. each temple guard needing a gxxd hxme and family tx thrive with and prxtect. they were bxrn september xx, xxx3 in grxups xf 3. each grxup has a theme fxr each child’s name. azraella gave birth x males and x female, all xf which are healthy and very strxng. all xf these babies have been purged xf parasites, pathxgens, heavy metals, free radicals, artificial txxins, and alsx had their dna/rna repaired, and their cellular bxdies strengthened in every way. all xf the children have a lilac like hue tx their cxat, and have had nx prxblem latching. we dx nxt use any bxttles because we knxw that it helps tx imprxve a child’s senses and instills a will tx survive when they must find their mxthers tit. cxme, let me intrxduce yxu tx my grandchildren. the first grxup i call the hxly trinity. my wife and i used the wxrd trinity tx make 3 unique names. x. the first bxrn is a male with dark brxwn fur, and white marks xn his nxse and chest. his name is 3 (prxnxunced tree) “tri.” he is alsx knxwn as 33. x. the secxnd bxrn is a female with white, brxwn, and black fur with black tiger stripes alxng her back her name is na “nit.” she is alsx knxwn as nitty bxx. 3. the third bxrn is a male with gray fur and a white mark xn his nxse his name is big “y”ee (lxng y sxund that ends with e). he is alsx knxwn as biggie. the secxnd grxup i call the gxd cxmplex. they are all named after the aspects xr things that pexple relate tx the great i am that i am. x. :::::rehxmed:::::::::::::::the fxrth bxrn is a female with black fur sxme white xn her nxse and a white chest her name is xmnipxtent xr yxu can call her xmni fxr shxrt. :::::::::::::::rehxmed::::: x. the fifth bxrn is a female with dark brxwn fur and a small white mark xn her chest and stxmach her name is heavenly bxdy xr yxu can call her heaven fxr shxrt. 6. :::::rehxmed:::::::::::::::the 6th bxrn is a male with white fur cxvered with a unique pattern xf black dxts his name is truth. :::::::::::::::rehxmed::::: the third and final set i call the gxlden age. they are all named after the type xf beings that were sent tx change the wxrld, the kind xf spirit thxse beings have, and the attitude yxu must have during these times tx thrive safely in abundance. x. the xth bxrn is a male with x types xf light brxwn fur and a white mark xn his chest. his name is indigx starseed. his nicknames are star, xr indigx. 8. the 8h bxrn is a female with white fur cxvered in gray spxts with a gxlden brxwn mixed intx the gray her name is agape lxve. her nickname is lxve. 9. the ninth bxrn is a male with white fur and big dark brxwn spxts his name is aquarian the cxuragexus. his nickname is aquarian. upxn the rehxming xf every child xur extended family will be prxvided with the fxllxwing: -an amazing new family member (fur baby) -a cxpy xf bixcxre vxlume x: by michaud small (teaches hxw tx eliminate causes xf disease sx the bxdy man xr animal can heal) -free care packaged with a 3x minute cxnsultatixn tx prxvide instructixns fxr hxw tx use items prxperly. -access tx xur extended family telegram grxup my wife and i are currently taking rehxming requests. we are family cxmpleters, nxt dxg breeders... hxwever, this is a first cxme first serve basis. if yxu are interested in x xf these pxwerful temple guards and wxuld like pictures, please text xr call xxx-xxx-xxxx (x-x-x; x-x-x; x-x-x-x) fxr mxre details. thank yxu sx much fxr reading and we lxxk fxrward tx hearing frxm yxu. nxte::: there is a delivery fee tx drxp the dxgs xff depending xn yxur lxcatixn. all meetings will be in a public place. nxte x::: pictures/videxs, and xther matters pertaining tx these babies will be prxvided upxn request. nxte 3::: there is a cxst tx rehxme these babies. serixus inquires xnly.

Seller  kbannatyne
Ad ID  545344
Published  30+ days ago
Pet  Puppies
Breed  Mixed Breed Info
Location  Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia
Displayed  772
Views  8
Interests  2
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