Recently Adopted Yorkshire Terrier Puppies Near Lewiston
Yorkie puppies
Yorkie puppies born 9/7/2023 3 boys 1 girl .They Will be ready the 1st week of November. MOM IS standard size Yorkie (7 pounds) DAD is a merle yorkie (6 pounds). Prices as followed 1 Merle Female $1250 ( non refundable Deposit of $150 required). 1 TRADITIONAL MALE( Reserved) $1100 2 Merle Males ( Both Reserved)$ 1175 ( non refundable Deposit of $100 required). Puppies will come 1st set of shots, dewormed at 2,4,6, and 8 weeks, a puppy starter pack, and will be litter trained ( yes you are reading this correctly "LITTER TRAINED You can choose to train them to go outside if you wish though. ** tails docked && Dew claws removed** All PUPPIES ARE SPOKEN FOR ... If your interested in one that is reserved and would like to be placed on a back up list fee is $10. SHOULD ONE THATS RESERVED BECOME AVAILABLE YOU WILL BE NEXT INLINE TO CLAIM HIM/HER. Message for more details && please send a contact number thank you...View Detail
Yorkie puppies 3M && 1F
Yorkie puppies born 9/7/2023 3 boys 1 girl . Will be ready the 1st week of November. MOM IS standard size Yorkie (7 pounds) DAD is a merle yorkie (6 pounds). Prices as followed 1 Merle Female $1200 ( non refundable Deposit of $150 required) remaining balance due at pick up. 1 TRADITIONAL MALE( Reserved) $1050 2 Merle Males ( yellow Reserved)$ 1150 ( non refundable Deposit of $100 required) Remaining balance due at pick up. Puppies will come 1st set of shots, will be dewormed at 2,4,6, and 8 weeks, a puppy starter pack, and will be litter trained ( yes you are reading this correctly \"LITTER TRAINED You can choose to train them to go outside if you wish though. ** tails docked and micro chiped** *** see pic for who\'s available*** If you interested in one that is reserved and would like to be placed on a back up list fee is $10. SHOULD ONE THATS RESERVED BECOME AVAILABLE. Text .. xxx-xxx-xxxx for more infoView Detail