Apri registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tai..
Akc registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tail..
Beautiful parti Yorkies for sale. Prefect for Christmas, they will be ready for pick up t..
AKC Yorkie pups available now. Charting to be 4 to 7 pd adults. Traditional color. 2 girl..
AKC Chocolate Yorkie 6 lb. Godiva mated with CKC Tri-Colored Biewer 4 lb. Tuxedo, and gav..
AKC Platinum Yorkie Mimi &4 lb. traditional ACA Yorkie Monte mated, and she gave birt..
Born 3/7/2021 Mother is a Blue Eyed Merle Yorkie and daddy is a Biewer Yorkie, and there ..
Mother 5&1/2 lb. AKC Yorkie was mated with the daddy who is CKC Yorkie & they hav..
Beautiful parti Yorkies for sale. Prefect for Christmas, they will be ready for pick up t..
Mother 5&1/2 lb. AKC Yorkie was mated with Daddy who is CKC Yorkie & they have a ..
I have Yorkie purebred registered puppies due in the month of Oct. They will come with ta..
On May xx,xxxx The blue eyed Merle Biro Yorkie "Violet" ACA x lb. mother & the Biewer..
On May xx, xxxx The blue eyed Merle Biro Yorkie "Violet" ACA 9 lb. mother & the Biewe..
Teacup Yorkie puppies
2 girls and 1 boy at $1500. Our babies have been handled since bir..
On May xx,xxxx The blue eyed Merle Biro Yorkie "Violet" ACA x lb. mother & the Biewer..
On May xx The blue eyed Merle Biro Yorkie "Violet" ACA x lb. mother & the Biewer York..
On May xx, xxxx The blue eyed Merle Biro Yorkie "Violet" ACA 9 lb. mother & the Biewe..
Mother is a blue eyed white with chocolate/gray merle coloring and daddy is tri color whi..
Selling a boy fullbred mini yorkshire terrier. He’s 7 weeks. dewclaws removed, tails do..
Born 5/21/2020 3 males &3 females purebred Yorkies with papers. Mother is a Biro York..
AKC "Godiva" our 6 lb. chocolate Yorkie was mated with CKC Biewer Yorkie 4 lb. "Tuxedo", ..
AKC 6&1/2 lb. Angel, was mated with 4 lb. Biewer Male, has on 4/26/20 she gave birth ..
ACA "Suki our 5 lb. traditional black/tan Yorkie was mated with CKC Monte 4 lbs., and gav..
Petitie is a sweet little boy. He is registered and very healthy. Looking for the perfect..
ACA "Suki our 5 lb. traditional black/tan Yorkie was mated with CKC Monte 4 lbs., and gav..
ACA "Suki our 5 lb. traditional black/tan Yorkie was mated with CKC Monte 4 lbs., and gav..
AKC "Mimi" our 6&1/2 lb. Platinum Yorkie was mated with CKC Biewer Yorkie 4 lb. "Tuxe..
KC "Mimi" our 6&1/2 lb. Platinum Yorkie was mated with CKC Biewer Yorkie 4 lb. "Tuxed..
1 female and 2 males. Purbred parents onsite. Traditional tan and black, mom is part colo..
These puppies are one of a kind the mother is American bulldog and the father is German R..
Hosanna is a7 month old energetic puppy who needs a new home, she is a very loving dog, l..
4 Male Golden Retrievers in Bloomington, Indiana! They have papers, shots and have been d..