Recently Adopted YorkiePoo Puppies Near Warren County
9 month male yorkie
I’m sick and cannot care for him anymore more. He doesn’t have paper or shots. He has only had 8 weeks shots. He is a loving dog he needs a great home.View Detail
We have 5 beautiful Yorkiepoos. Three females and two males. Bella, Sadie, Daisy, Marley, and Max. These Toy Yorki Poos are just adorable and super sweet. They are seven weeks old and will be ready August 8th. Both parents are CKC registered. Dad is a Yorkie that weighs 4 pounds and Mom is a Toy Poodle that weighs around 9 pounds. Puppies come with registration papers. Puppies are current on vaccinations and deworming. Shots, declaws, docking, and deworming has all done by the Vet here in Bowling Green. All Vet paperwork will be provided. Puppies will be between 4 and 9 pounds. Please feel free to call or text xxx-xxx-xxxx. Prices will range between $1750 and $2000View Detail