Recently Adopted Wolfdog Puppies Near Hillsboro
Husky Hybrid Puppies
Husky Wolf hybrid puppies for sale. $300 each. 4 males left, 6 months old. The puppies are low content wolf at approximately 30% wolf. They are friendly and like people. They have been trained on a leash and on basic commands. They are up to date on their shots and have been wormed multiple times. Parents are on site. Call or text xxx-xxx-xxxx for more information.View Detail
Husky Hybrid pups
Siberian Husky Wolf hybrid puppies for sale. $300 each. 4 males left, 6 months old. Born November 13, 2022. The puppies are low content wolf at approximately 30% wolf. They are friendly and like people. They have been trained on a leash and on basic commands. They are up to date on their shots and have been wormed multiple times. Parents are on site. Call or text xxx-xxx-xxxx for more information.vView Detail