She was born 11/26/24 will be ready to go 1/20/25 she is ckc registered shots and will ha..
Hello male is 850 female 1400 both available for deposits they will be ready to go in Oct..
Ckc registration shots and worming will be given accordingly they are 4 days old will be ..
Ckc registration shots and worming will be done his total price is 1200 475 non refundabl..
I have 4 boys 2 girls available to place deposits on if interested please call or text me..
I have 2 males and 2 females available will be ready to go February 23rd 2023 if interest..
I am accepting deposits on all my puppies at this time I had 2 litters born 12-29-22 and ..
He is 6 months old up to date on all shots have been to a vet a couple of times has pet i..
Born 6-17-22 ready to go 8-17-22 will have first set of shots and worming done accordingl..
She was born on April 19th 2022 will be ready to go June 14th will have shots and worming..
They were born 12/22/19 will be ready to go 2/16/2020 they are ckc registered dogs both p..
I have 1 male ee cream a1 black and tan female available dee claws removed worming will b..