Meet beautiful speckled merle-sable Ginger, she is 10wks she has black eyes, weighs 3lb. ..
Meet chocolate Buffalo he has greeish eyes, he is 10 weeks old is around kids so is socia..
Meet Honey, she is 10 wks old, is around kids so is socially balanced, registered CKC, wi..
Meet little Carmel she is 3 wks old She is registered Ckc will be updated on shots, wo..
Meet little Aster, he is 10 weeks old. he will be up to date on shots,wormed,he had a vet..
Meet little Noelle, she is so sweet and full of spunk, he is bye-eyed. She is 12 wks old,..
Meet Klaus he is so full of energy but loves to be loved on. He is up to date on shots, w..
Little Milo he is 10 wks old has blue eyes, up to dates on shots wormed and had a vet wel..
Meet 11yr old Katrina, she is a great dog and has severed us well. We are retiring her an..
Meet beautiful black Luna, she loves to be held and to play with toys.she is active will ..
Meet beautiful Silva, he has got those beautiful blue eyes and cery silvery neck with bla..
Meet Hershey,he has beautiful dark black coat ,loves to eat and loves attention very acti..
Meet beautiful zeke, he has beautiful silvery black coat, very gentle and loves attention..
These beautiful little pomeranian puppy is 12 weeks old,he is full of character and beaut..
Meet Maribelleshe is black sable very beautiful calm in character loves to be held. Loves..
Beautiful Cinnamon he is Merle-sable. He loves to be held,and tussles.he had his first sh..
Beautiful Brigitte she is black-sable. Loves to be held is laid back in character.she lov..
Beautiful Dutchessis 8 weeks old ,she loves playing and being held ,she is around kids an..
Meet Phoenix a Beautiful sable-merle pomeranian with two different color blue eyes.had hi..
Meet Gracie she is 6 weeks old and already a talker,she came from a litter of 2.she was b..