10 week old male and female Shih Tzu puppies. Ready to go to a new loving home! Comes wit..
One female and three male Pug puppies. 10 weeks old and ready for someone to love them! T..
They are very intelligent and loyal, and great with children. The pups are vaccinated, mi..
AKC registered Pomeranian puppies. I have 2 females and 1 male available. They will be up..
Our puppies are AKC registered and will come with up to date on first shots, de-wormings,..
Our puppies are AKC registerable.......................We believe that the first weeks ..
Sweet Heart he is the lovey type boy..he is Dm Clear he will be current on vaccinations..
Gorgeous pomsky Puppies For sale.They will make great family pets and are good with child..
These cute little critters are the sweetest things. Waiting to become a part of your fami..
They are well socialized with kids and other pets at home.Serious inquires only. Email me..