She is one of the few females of the litter of 11. She needs to go to a safe home because..
He is a male of a litter of 11 akita puppies. He has a huge noggin and is also one of the..
He is a male of a litter of 11 akita puppies. He is the happiestpup on the face of the ea..
He is a male of a litter of 11 akita puppies. He is very playful and likes big dogs. DM M..
She is one of the few females in this litter of akita. She likes to munch on squeaky xxxx..
He is the biggest of the brown pups in the litter of 11. He likes to run around in the sn..
He is the biggest male in the litter of 11. He is a very chucky monkey. He likes to run a..
He is a boybof a litter of 11 and is a akita breed. I CAN ONLY DO PICKUP OR LOCAL DELIVER..
He is a male of 11 akita siblings.likes to play fetch. I CAN DO PICKUP OR LOCAL DELIVERY...