Charlie Ray is a small Chihuahua puppy he 4 pounds and full grown he will be 4 in half po..
Charlie Ray is a months old Chihuahua only weighing 4 pounds full grown 4 half pounds he ..
Honey is a sweet little applehead Chihuahua she a little girl only weighs 3 in half pound..
Honey is a applehead chihuahua she 6 months months old she a very calm puppy that loves t..
Honey is a applehead Chihuahua she weighs 3 pounds and will weigh 4 pounds when she full ..
I have a very loveble short hair apple head chihuahua he looking for his forever home he ..
I have a very loveble apple head puppy chihuahua he looking for his forever home he will ..
I have 2 apple head chihuahua puppies for sale they are 5 weeks old they could go for the..