Hershey was born on April 9th,2020. Hershey is from a litter of 6 Males &3 Females. B..
Gunner was born on April 9th,2020. Gunner is from a litter of 6 Males &3 Females. Bot..
Bailey was born on April 9th,2020. Bailey is from a litter of 6 Males &3 Females. Bot..
Jameson was born on April 9th,2020. Jameson is from a litter of 6 Males &3 Females. B..
Popeye was born on April 9th,2020. Popeye is from a litter of 6 Males &3 Females. Bot..
Alfalfa was born on April 9th,2020. Alfalfa is from a litter of 6 Males &3 Females. B..
She was born on April 9th,2020. She is from a litter of 6 Males &3 Females. Both pare..
Darla was born on April 9th,2020. Darla is from a litter of 6 Males &3 Females. Both ..
She was born on April 9th,2020. She is from a litter of 9 Red-nose XL Pit-bull puppies.6 ..
April 9th,2020, 9 Red-nose XL Pit-bull puppies were born in Brooklyn, NY. 6 Males &3 ..