Recently Adopted Tortoise Reptiles Near Granite Bay
Timmy the Sulcata 200lb Tortoise for sale
Timmy the 18yr old teenager tortoise for sale only to a deserving home. We are moving and unfortunately are unable to take him. He has personality and has been hand raised. He loves dogs and people. He loves long walks and loves flowers. He lives in our yard and walks all day before putting himself to bed around 5. He’s very easy to maintain, he eats 90% green and hay. He loves carrots and lettuce and will love you forever if you bring him a flower. He has heat lamps, heat pads and palace for a home that’s a shed. All will come with him if you need it. A little more cost for the shed since it’s a nice one. But can be negotiated. He will live for 70+yrs. He loves to sit next to me when I’m in the yard and loves to be petted. He does require space so tiny tiny yards won’t suite him. They are wonderful pets!View Detail