Recently Adopted Staffordshire Bull Terrier Puppies Near Denton County
Needing to sale my puppy
We are moving and my Staffordshire terrier can not come with us because of his breed. His name is Gizzmo he is 7 months old diamond cut. He has all up to date shots is registered with the city( live in pet) micro chipped and has not been neutered. He also will come with food and cage. He loves people very family oriented puppy. He loves to play and cuddle looking for him a lovable home. Upon purchase papers will be given! asking for a 1000 but will take oboView Detail
Marine, man’s true best friend
Marine is 1yr and 3months old, she loves the water and being outdoors. She is incredibly friendly with other dogs and loves chasing squirrels or pretty much everything on four legs. She’s not aggressive towards people or other animals but will definitely stand her ground should another animal attack. Marine is house trained/ leash trained though she doesn’t need the leash she can be walked with or without it. Marines commands are sit, shake, down, jump, slow, go and moves the direction you give the hand signal most of the time. She really loves fetch which I’ve always used a stick for but will play with any toy. She’s really great with kids and would never harm a child but she’s definitely protective over children so watch out kidnappers lol. She was raised on both human food and dog food and was trained not to snatch food from hands or even eat food that hits the ground unless given the command to get it. She’s extremely patient when it comes to meal time. Marine’s not a careless dog either so no worries about spilled drinks or getting things knocked off tables. She is a chewer though so hide your shoes.View Detail