Recently Adopted Siberian Husky Puppies Near Indiana
Rusty - can possibly meet.
Rusty is a loveable little man His mom is a siberian husky and his dad is american eskimo. he should weigh between 30-35 lbs. He won't be a big dog, but rather medium. UTD on shots and worming. can possibly meet within a reasonable distance from our home.View Detail
Sierra - can possibly meet
SIerra was Born 6/21/24. He is a HUSKIMO (Siberian husky/american eskimo) pup with golden brown eyes. She loves to play with her siblings and our other dogs. His parents are onsite and he has had his first shots and been wormed. We are located at xxxx but can possibly meet if within a reasonable distance from our home.View Detail
Siberian Husky puppies in xxxx
Five adorable and sweet Siberian Huskies for sale near xxxx. The litter was born on 5/26/2024. Fully up to date on shots and dewormed. Have 1 black and white male, 1 black and white female, 1 dilute red and white male and 2 dilute red and white females. All have ice blue eyes. Farm raised and gentle temperaments. These won\'t be available for long. 250.00 deposit will hold. First come first served. Phone or text xxx-xxx-xxxx. xxxxView Detail
1year old Siberian Husky
Cyan is a one year old Syberian Husky, he is AKC registered and has been vaccinated. He is good with other adults, children, and dogs. He is a very friendly and amazing companion, and we are looking for his new forever home!View Detail
Siberian Husky
All white Siberian Husky. She is fixed an up to date on all shots. She is very friendly and loves other dogs. She isnt the best with cats. Huge goofball that needs more time and attention.View Detail
I have a1 year old siberian husky I would like to get rid of
I have had her for a year and she has yet to fit into the family so I have to sadly get rid of her. She is a loving dog she is not dog friendly. She has never been around kids so I am unsure how she is.View Detail
looking for a fur ever him
I have three white female 10 week huskies. We are looking to rehome them .I own both mom and dad .View Detail
Siberian huskies puppies for sale
9 week old puppies, 3 females and 3 males. Very active and happy. They have had their first shots. Father and mother are full blooded, father is registered, mother is not. Please call if interested.View Detail
Precious & Princess
Full blooded non registered siberian husky puppies born April 29th. Both are females. Dad was solid white with both blue eyes. Mom is gray with one blue eye and one brown eye. The puppies have had their first round of shots and have been wormed.View Detail
Puppies for sale
Hello my name is Victor. Im here to let you know I’m selling four adorable little puppies. If your interested you can message me okView Detail
3 year old doggies
Have 4 doggies that are 3 years old who need a new loving home where they treat them with love and affection which they love a lot. They are husky mix chusky meaning chow mix husky.View Detail
Wooly Siberian Husky
Ranger was born December 17, 2023. He is very loving and playful. He is UTD on shots and deworming.View Detail
Husky in need of good home
Her name is copper she is a well behaved loves other dogs and cats. She is good with kids she just doesn’t realize how big she is sometimes. She has a redial coat with medium long length. She is about 3-4ft tall and 50-60ibs. She is potty trained. She is a beautiful and very lovable we just can’t keep her.View Detail
Sharberian Husky Puppies
My name is Abby, I have a litter of 5 puppies that are half Siberian husky(mother) and half Shar-pei(father). We have 3 girls and 2 boys. Three of them have husky colors, one is almost solid blonde, and one is solid chocolate (Shar-Pei colors traits). They are 8 and a half weeks old, de-wormed, first shots, nails clipped and eating solid food. They are ready to go!View Detail
Border Husky Mix Puppy
Shadow is a Border-Husky mix. Her mom is a Siberian Husky and her dad is a Border Collie. She was born July 22, 2023. Utd on shots and deworming.View Detail
AKC Siberian Husky
Jasmine is a female Wooly Siberian Husky, she was born April 29, 2023. She is AKC registerable. Utd on shots and deworming.View Detail
AKC Siberian Husky Puppies
I have 3 Wooly Siberian Husky puppies for sale. One Red & White Female, one Light red female and one sable male.They were born October 14, 2023, they are utd on shots and deworming. They are AKC registered and ready to go to their new forever home now.View Detail
Siberian husky
Black and white female husky AKC registered rabies and shots utd 8 months oldView Detail
Purebred husky
Hello, Jax is 4 months old. He is loving dog and loves to play. He loves long walks! Does great with kids!View Detail
Siberian husky 4 months
Very playful dog. I have to go out of town for work and simply just don’t have the time to take care of him the way he needs. He is fully up to date on shots and is overall very healthy. I have a crate/leash/harness/treats/vitamins/shampoo and a few other things that will come with the dog. We got him from a usda breeder. He is a great dog just needs the right family that has time for him.View Detail
Locations Where Siberian Husky Puppies are Available in Indiana
Marion County, St. Joseph County, Bartholomew County, Vanderburgh County, Hendricks County, Allen County, Fayette County, Franklin County, DeKalb County, Marshall County, Martin County, Hamilton County, Huntington County, Clark County, Vigo County, Jefferson County, Delaware County, Union County, Fountain County, LaPorte County, Wabash County