Recently Adopted Shih Tzu Puppies Near Hamilton County
Teddy Bear Puppies
8 weeks old. Have 1 male and 2 females left. They have already had their 1st round of shots. They are also hypoallergenic which means they do not shed.View Detail
Shih Tzu Puppy 11 weeks old
Female Teacup Shih Tzu Puppy 11 weeks old. She is extremely playful and loves to cuddle! She has a big desire to be with people, whether that is sitting on your lap or simply following you! Everything is included. Her name is Brandy - Hypoallergenic - Non-shedding - Vaccinated and ready to go - Includes all-new toys, food, training pads, bed, shampoo, treats, and her mini blanket. - She is currently pee pad trained and potty trained (does not potty inside the house) - very sweet and friendly, does not bark - Loves to go outside and playView Detail
Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale $500
I have two beautiful male and female Shih Tzu available. Up to date on vaccines, shots and dewormed. They come with their health record, and a health guarantee too. Please contact me for more information about these puppies.View Detail
Quality Bred Family Rasied Shih Tzu For Sale
Sadly I have to re-home my adorable little puppy Cookie, or tooties as my nephew calls her. She is a Pomeranian mix that is 15 weeks old and weighs around 3lbs. Has her shots up to date and is dewormed, I also have all of her paperwork. She is amazing with kids, but I'm not sure how she would be with other pets because she hasn't been around them!View Detail
******lovely And Adorable Shih Tzu Puppies....
Well Behaved Shih Tzu is still available for any lovey home,one Male and Two Females Puppies For Adoption.I have three puppies for adoption , one male and two females , vet checked , AKC registered , disease free, currently on their shots , they are 10 weeks old , they will be coming with all health papers , playing toys, eating manual , blankets etc , all i am searching for these puppies , is just a home that will spoil them rotten with love and affection and treat them as part of their family ,they are very playful with kids and other home pets.....View Detail