Recently Adopted Shiba Inu Puppies Near Newaygo County
Purebred Shiba Inu born Oct 4. call xxx xxx xxx9
Purebred Shiba Inus, 3 females and one male. Mother is APRI 18 lbs. Father is AKC 20 lbs. Puppies will be vet checked, 1st shots, and dewormed. Our adorable females are: Lacey is a cream. Lindsey is tan and white with black nose. Leila is Tan and white with a white collar. Our only little boy is Lance. He is tan and white. We are located in Holton MI between Muskegon and Fremont, about one hour north of Grand Rapids. To come meet the puppies, or for more information, please call xxx xxx xxx9 or xxx xxx xxx3. If no answer, leave your contact info and we will return your call.View Detail
Shiba Inu born June 25. Parents are APRI xxx xxx xxx9
Two sweet Shiba Inus, born June 25. The parents are APRI, so the pups can be registered as APRI. Pups have had fist shots, dewormed, and vet checked. Brendon is a large male. sold Beulah is a smaller, sweet, cuddler female. Pups are playful and looking for a loving home with their new family. Mom is Franci, 17 lbs. white. Dad is Justin, 25 lbs, tan on back, white legs and chest. Shiba Inus are known to be companion dogs. For more information, or to come see the pups, call xxx xxx xxx9 or xxx xxx xxx3. If no answer, leave your name and number and someone will return you call. Pups are located north of Holton MI, between Muskegon and Fremont, about one hour north of Grand Rapids.View Detail