Recently Adopted Saluki Puppies Near San Francisco County
Saluki Puppies AKC registered❤️❤️Text or call (xxx) xxx - xxx8
cute & Adorable AKC registered Saluki Puppies ready for their forever homes packed full of love and puppy kisses.They are 15 weeks and are ready to leave this weekend! They have dew claws removed and tails docked. They are up to date on their shots and have been dewormed. These babies have been socialized daily and are very lovable!between 3.5 and 5 lbs when fully grown@ maturity will be vet ckd have 1st set of shots several worming tails docked dew claws removed health certificate from vet guaranteed and come w/full Akc registration will be socialized The puppy has already learned some tricks such as sit, shake hand, roll over and play dead. they are so smart and always enjoys learning things The puppies are healthy and gorgeous please contact me they have been declawed and tails are docked only serious inquires please don't forget to drop your valid #phone number more information thanks for your time....❤️❤️Text or call (xxx) xxx - xxx8View Detail