Recently Adopted Rottweiler Puppies Near Laredo
Rottweiler puppies looking for new home
puppies come with: 1. 1st set of puppy shots 7 weeks old 2. Dewclawed at 3 days old 3. 2 year puppy health gaurantee on eyes, hips, elbows 4. Deworming at 7 weeks old 5. All puppies are Vet checked and vaccinated by Ben Lomond Vet Dr. Lindsley..They are vaccinated, vet checked, wormed and I have all vet records. They have taken their shots and now ready for a new home. They are very gentle with children and patient with other dogs.View Detail
Adorable rottweiler puppies for sale
Cute Rottweiler puppies. They are super playful and loves to be center of attention. This little angels are a bundle of joy and full of love. for more info text via xxx)xxx-xxxxView Detail