I have 1 male and 6 females. They are going for 750. Have there first shots and tails are..
We have 6 beautiful babies looking for their forever home! A perfect Christmas gift,.. Re..
Lucky he is 12 weeks old AKC registration. He’s very smart, friendly , cute lovely good..
Female bernese mountain dog puppy. She is 10 weeks old and has received her first set of ..
This puppy needs a very loving and nurturing home. I took her in while I could re-home he..
7 beautiful rottweiler puppies for sale ! we have 1 male and 6 females left, ready for th..
They are being socialized have wonderful personality’s and beautiful markings. They are..
Come with their first set vaccinations collar. Tails are docked potty trained tan black s..
Lucky he is 12 weeks old AKC registration. He’s very smart, friendly , cute lovely good..
Female not fixed or declawed tail is docked. Good with children cats kittens. Short coat ..
Our puppies are AKC registered. They are farm raised and well socialized. Great dispositi..
Looking for a good home for my 8 month year old puppy,very friendly,healthy with all shot..
I have 7 Rottweiler puppies ready for new home vaccinations potty trained good with kids ..
Black standard F1B Goldendoodle female 5 week old puppy ready to go home with you Christm..
They are 7 weeks potty trained tail docked good temperament being socialized will get the..
Intelligent, lovable, playful full breed Rottweiler puppies. Born on March 4th. All four ..
I have 1 make and 6 female Rottweiler pups ready to go there tails are docked not declawe..
7 beautiful potty trained rottweiler puppies ! we have 1 male and 6 females left, they ar..
7 beautiful rottweiler puppies for sale ! we have 1 male and 6 females left, they are 6 w..
Akc Rottweiler puppies. 9 weeks old. Tails are docked and declaws removed. All pups are u..
Please text or call me for more information xxx-xxx-xxxx..
Hello everyone my beautiful German rottweiler puppies are more than ready to meet their f..
I have 5 puppies that are 6 weeks old they are eating and drinking water on their own. I..
We have 9 beautiful puppies looking for a home.
We live in the Imperial Valley
We can..
Hello there
We are a local family here based out of the Bay Area here in California. We..
AKC Registered. Tails are docked and Declawed. Parents have Champion Bloodlines. Dad is 1..
AKC Registered. Tails are docked and Declawed. Parents have Champion Bloodlines. Dad is 1..
AKC , Arlo was born November 9, he’s a beautiful Ice white Pomeranian boy. Very lovable..
These pups are almost three months old. I have two males and one female left. The one wit..
Are you ready to welcome a bundle of joy into your home? Our precious mini poodles are lo..
Hello all! Thank you for visiting my page. I have 6 beautiful males available for their f..