I have 1 male and 6 females. They are going for 750. Have there first shots and tails are..
Lucky he is 12 weeks old AKC registration. He’s very smart, friendly , cute lovely good..
2 male dogs verry start play full estrong and follow order they like to play in water per..
Female bernese mountain dog puppy. She is 10 weeks old and has received her first set of ..
German rottweiler puppies dad akc register beautiful family dogs very smart will be ready..
AKC registered vaccinated potty trained
We deliver nationwide..
3 Girls 3 Boys with papers and shots already need home ASAP willing to work on price just..
2 male dogs verry start play full estrong and follow order they like to play in water per..
I have 4 female Rottweiler puppies left born on January 25 for sale they are 8 weeks old...
Beautiful puppies 7 weeks old they will be ready 03/30/24 first shots they are very healt..
I can’t keep them I have 2 females they are mixed with German shepherd
Contact me at ..
Riverside area and Southern California xxx xxx-xxx1 text..
Miniature Schnauzer’s ready to be re-homed
Females - White - purebred
Vaccines &..
Giving away puppies Rottweiler mixed with German shepherd..
4 huge male puppies left- german Rottweiler puppies available $200
contact informat..
I have two litters of full breed Rottweiler puppies healthy, happy and with paper work av..
2 yr old female, excellent temperament, sweet with kids.
if you're really serious plea..
We have 6 beautiful babies looking for their forever home! A perfect Christmas gift,.. Re..
these pups are great with kids and are well handled. eating dry biscuits and drinking xxx..
Puppies are up to date on shots and dewormed. Tails docked and dewclaws removed. Beautifu..
xxxxpuppies Come choose your special little Rottweiler puppies now. They have thei..
Potty trained
Vaccines up to date
Mom&Dad in site (Rottwillier parents)
6 week old french bulldog puppies. Litler of 8, six females and 2 males. AKC registered. ..
Rottweiler puppy for sale.
DOB: December 05.2023
8 weeks old.
Both parents have and ar..
Rottweiler puppies available 11 weeks old AKC certified with 2nd set of shots and vet exa..
Healthy Rottweiler Puppies For Sale.
Males and females available now
10 weeks old
Vet ..
Male and females 11wks vaccinated and potty trained.Well socialized with children and oth..
"You're my boy, Blue!" This guy is identified by his blue collar and his shy dem..
My dogs had an unexpected litter ,i have 3 16weeks girls who need a wonderful home..
These pups are almost three months old. I have two males and one female left. The one wit..
Ready to go home home to the forever home. For more information On the puppies, you can g..