Recently Adopted Pomsky Puppies Near Los Angeles County
Pomsky puppies
We have 6 pomsky puppy's that are 9 weeks old and ready to go to their FURever families. 4 males and 2 females. All puppies have received 1st round of shots, are dewormed, and fecal tested. Please message with inquiries or for more information. Taking offers as well with great homes taken into consideration.View Detail
Pomsky Boy 11 weeks old
One happy little boy!!! Blue eye, green eye husky mask, light brown/white/tan. Vet checked ,vaccinated…he is ready to roll!! Raised in lux home with the family…. More info,pics,videos etc on request Located in Los Angeles Area xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxView Detail
Beautiful POMSKIES Puppies Ready!
Astra rare female, Inky & Fable ready. Our Pomskies are outstanding, shots utd 10 weeks old vet health checked Ready for their new homes full of lovings and also ready for some snow/long walks. They will come with puppy pack to get them started. Call or SMS # xxxxxxxxxx for additional information and take yours home now.View Detail
Pomsky puppies males and females
We have 3 males and 2 females available They are all Home trained and have all their shots . Their temperament is the best you can ever find . Text me at((xxx) xxx. -xxx1View Detail
Beautiful Puppy For Sale
This Is Mishka. He is a pomsky, 8 months old. He is very playful and energetic looking for a new home. He loves to be around people and loves playing fetch.View Detail
Pomsky Boy
He is a 1.5 year old very intelligent, highly active Pomeranian-Husky boy.View Detail
pomsky depot
JoJo Born A "Blue Eye" a natural Princess . Jo Jo has a softer really distinct a soft Gray with Snow White accents that’s showing an elegant quality look . She a sure prize winner look. Personality , she has an Excellent personality . She’ll make you smile & laugh all the time. Jo Jo is a really happy, enjoyable puppy. It relaxing when watching her with kids , with adults who ever , she just loves to play kids adults . She really listens well to commands and learns quickly with treats for being good. One in a “Million “ I would say. Mia Beautiful tan color just outstanding. She Likes everyone loves to play hide n seek. When her she just want to be, wow just adorable , great for kids probably play harder then the kinds and great company for the older too .A loving companion Coco, She Tan, Brown w/Black Accents This is also almost potty trained to diapers as well Vet has her as the smallest of the bunch , put her in a purse and have company w/protection take home and she will play with the kids or really add sparkle in your home she's a lot of fun and very intelligent.View Detail
Pomsky Prince
A healthy young pomsky, potty trained, good temperament. Allergic friendly, children friendly, and fully vaccinated. Waiting for new family or new owner to adopt him.View Detail
We have two litters, one born 7/4 and DUE 7/14! Puppies are 2500-3000 each, we don’t charge extra for blue eyes! All puppies will have blue eyes (either two or bi-eyed). 1 year guarantee, 1st shots at 6-7 weeks and deworming done 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks. Puppies will be 15-25 lbs. Constant updates, we have Instagram. Parents on site. Deposits are 500 non refundable and the rest due when they are 7 weeks and ready to go @8 weeks old. Parents are health tested. We welcome in person visits. Selections are in the order deposits are received. Call or text me (xxx)xxx-xxxx. My IG is.View Detail
Pomsky Puppy
Handsome male pup pomksy needs his forever home. He's very smart and can be vocal. He's partially crate trained, pad and outdoor trained. He needs some more, but not much. He loves his treats and knows how to sit, lay down, wait, go back into create/carrier with treats. He comes with a carrier, crate, and toys. Food too if there's any left at time of purchase!!! He's loving, and happy!!!View Detail
Pomsky puppy
I have three adorable trained Pomsky puppies Two male siblings almost 9 months and one female five months they’re so beautiful puppies they love to play full with love all of them they’re full vaccinated, trained and microchipped in good health condition, the reason for selling them that I get sick and I need to travel for long time to do my operation that why I hope they can find there family and live happy and safe each one of them 3000 USView Detail
World cutest pomsky
hxusebrxken lxving sweet adxrable energetic playful pxmsky. great with xther dxgs. lxves tx play and rxlls xn her back at the first sign xf aggressixn sx all the dxgs at the dxg park just lxve her. she’s abxut a year xld and trained well tx specific cxmmands. she’s literally the cutest dxg everywhere i gx. my life has taken an unfxreseen turn and i’m nxt able tx give her the lxve and attentixn she needs. she’s gxt tx play with xther dxgs xr run her energy xut. i’ve been having less time than i’d like tx dx that. it’s nxt fair tx her. she deserves a lxving family preferably with a yard xr xther dxgs. text xr call x x x x x x x x x x fxr mxre infx! paid xk frxm breeder, has papers, f2 generatixn bred (with bxth parents pxmskys, nxt the mix) lxxks like a shrink husky, beautifully marked.View Detail
Mixed puppies *4 males, 1 Female Puppies are 10 weeks old, ready Shots UTD, dewormed. Husky mix No health issues, will be under 25 lbs Pee pad trained and crate trained Call or text me (xxx)xxx-xxxx I’m asking ONE THOUSAND each (1000 each)View Detail
Male And Female Pomsky Puppies
we have pure breed AKC registered male and female Pomsky puppies ready to go to a new home,they are vet checked and have the Sweetest Temperament, they will be coming along with their playing toys, crate, feeding me Text/Call +1(4xx) 3xx-1xx8View Detail
Pomsky puppies
Trained Pomeranian mix for sale vet checked text xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Pomsky urgent sale in Los Angeles because of travel abroad
He’s very cute and potty trained, he’s worth much more but because I’m traveling soon and I can’t take him with me,, he’s friendly with family and other dogs. He’s 7 months old and he has his papers and all vaccinesView Detail
Ten pound Pomsky
High quality blue eyed Pomsky with papers! Blue eyes and Ten pounds full grown! Photos of all grandparents and parentsView Detail
We have three lovely and Remarkable Pomsky Puppies ready for a newhome. They are two females and one male and are all 11 weeks old fromthe same litter. All are Ckc registered, mother and father are bothwhite. (xxxxxxxxx @ xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Pomsky Puppies
Pomsky Puppies five generations pedigree kc paper, Five weeks insurance, Both vaccination and microchipped, Training mats, Scented blanket, Food and a toy. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND PICTURES REGARDING OUR BABIES,EMAIL or tex AT ( xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
lovely pompsky puppies for sale,,
lovely pompsky puppies for sale please text me at email to find out more information....xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
Locations Where Pomsky Puppies are Available in Los Angeles County
Los Angeles, Walnut, Santa Monica, Temple City, San Fernando, South Gate, El Segundo, West Hollywood, San Gabriel, Burbank, Palos Verdes Peninsula, Lawndale