Recently Adopted Pensillita Marmoset Animals Near Michigan Avenue
Magnificent Marmoset Monkey s For Sale
we would love to give them out. with free toys, and cage due to the pass away of grandma who was a breeder and previous caregiver of both pocket monkeys, the present situation with our jobs don't permit us to give them the best attention needed, these babies bring her memories so quick which results in pain in our heart's, it hurts to see them go but the situation just won't let us keep both babies! we could negotiate the price if genuinely proven you willing to bend over backward for these babies to have the best care.Our babies are house raised, they were hand-rear by Mom. diaper trained, leash trained, also trained not to bite! love cookies, monkey biskets, fruits and greens they are easily adaptive and would only take a few weeks with their leashes and ccs of milk twice daily, good feeding for y'all to be a bond! these adorable babies have been vet check a week now and are great for their health. Vet Records, USDA papers, mini cages, toys, start-up food would be available during pick up or once deliver at your home. they are gradually getting on with respond to their names and are very entertaining. Loves to be a stroll around with and companies of children.These baby marmoset monkeys are few weeks old with names Danvi and Maggie.xxxxxxxxxx Contact for More regarding this monkeys.View Detail
Magnificent Marmoset MonkeyS for Sale so cute
we would love to give them out. with free toys, and cage due to the pass away of grandma who was a breeder and previous caregiver of both pocket monkeys, the present situation with our jobs don't permit us to give them the best attention needed, these babies bring her memories so quick which results in pain in our heart's, it hurts to see them go but the situation just won't let us keep both babies! we could negotiate the price if genuinely proven you willing to bend over backward for these babies to have the best care.Our babies are house raised, they were hand-rear by Mom. diaper trained, leash trained, also trained not to bite! love cookies, monkey biskets, fruits and greens they are easily adaptive and would only take a few weeks with their leashes and ccs of milk twice daily, good feeding for y'all to be a bond! these adorable babies have been vet check a week now and are great for their health. Vet Records, USDA papers, mini cages, toys, start-up food would be available during pick up or once deliver at your home. they are gradually getting on with respond to their names and are very entertaining. Loves to be a stroll around with and companies of children.These baby marmoset monkeys are few weeks old with names Danvi and Maggie. Contact for More xxx-xxx-xxxx regarding this monkeys.View Detail
Healthy Marmoset Monkey For Sale So Cute
we would love to give them out. with free toys, and cage due to the pass away of grandma who was a breeder and previous caregiver of both pocket monkeys, the present situation with our jobs don't permit us to give them the best attention needed, these babies bring her memories so quick which results in pain in our heart's, it hurts to see them go but the situation just won't let us keep both babies! we could negotiate the price if genuinely proven you willing to bend over backward for these babies to have the best care.Our babies are house raised, they were hand-rear by Mom. diaper trained, leash trained, also trained not to bite! love cookies, monkey biskets, fruits and greens they are easily adaptive and would only take a few weeks with their leashes and ccs of milk twice daily, good feeding for y'all to be a bond! these adorable babies have been vet check a week now and are great for their health. Vet Records, USDA papers, mini cages, toys, start-up food would be available during pick up or once deliver at your home. they are gradually getting on with respond to their names and are very entertaining. Loves to be a stroll around with and companies of children.These baby marmoset monkeys are few weeks old with names Danvi and Maggie. Contact for More xxx-xxx-xxxx regarding this monkeys.View Detail