Recently Adopted Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppies Near Rancho Bernardo
Adorable Pure Bred corgi pups
I have 2 males (Tan ).One female - tri color . got first shots Saturday 1/25. Adoption fee is $2500 ea. Text me if you would like to meet them . They are 9 weeks old. I own both mom ( America’s pet registry) and dad ( AKC) and mom had a litter .I applied for a breeder license and registered the litter at America’s pet registry .Each puppy comes with their own registration number and its up to the new owner to register the pup but I Release ownership with the adoption fee . Each pup comes with a year health guarantee. I include copies of the shots and exam papers in the puppy kit .the next set of vaccinations is in 3 weeks which hopefully will be up to the new owner. Let me know ! Michelle xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail