Recently Adopted Mountain Burmese Puppies
2 male burmese mountain pups
2 male pups looking for forever homes. 1st shots and dewormed. Vet checked and healthy
xxx xxx xxx4View Detail
I have 3 female mini micro Bernese and 1 male 8 weeks old
These dogs are very high and both my dogs swell together that I have both of them on site cost five $5000 each. They’re both only two years old and they are puppies were born April 14. They’ve had all their shots that already got gone. they’re just beautiful that a lot of them are the Merrell that are gray and black and then she had one lit last year. I’m done. I’m getting them fixed just as soon as the puppies are gone, but these are the most beautiful I’ve seen coloring my dogs, I do have a moral mom, Merle and father that he’s got brown and black and he looks like grouch marks almost in the face. He’s got two white eyebrows great dogs though best dogs I’ve ever had and sell, but they’re ready to go and I’m getting ready to move so I’m sort of trying to get them out the door and They’re getting big and they’re anxious to have families and all of them that have left already are doing absolutely fabulous and it was just fam friends to family got them, but yeah they have. I’ve never had any health problems at all one of the puppies and that’s one that my actual friend took his one of his testicles hadn’t dropped that’s about the only thing and they said it’ll probably happen so they’re not breathing them anyhow I hope I didn’t make too much sense but I’ll show a picture and my dogs do my mom and dad look a little nappy because you have to realize she’s been nursing now till six weeks and , she won’t leave them and it’s just that winter element throughout the water a lot but they’re great dogs . Kim xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
AKC, Bernice mountain puppies…READY NOW!
Bernice mountain puppies, ready for their forever homes come with AKC paperwork with full rights, up-to-date on vaccinations and warming also! xxxxView Detail
Hermosos cachorros disponibles Bernes con las mejores condiciones del mercado. A continuacion te detallo como recibiras al nuevo miembro peludo de tu familia: - Vacunados y desparasitados. - Carnet de vacunas al dia. - 1 ano de seguro medico para tu nueva mascota con cobertura de enfermedades y accidentes, pagado por nosotros. (Aplican condiciones.). Aplican restricciones. - Inmunizado contra los parasitos Giardia, Coxidia y Nematodos. - Vitaminados con uno de los mejores suplementos vitaminicos del mercado. - Fortalecidos inmunologicamente. - Microchip. - Totalmente libre y protegido de garrapatas por un mes y de pulgas por cuatro meses. - Cuarentena preventiva, que garantiza ir libre de enfermedades virales. - Certificado de pureza de raza. - Chat gratuito con imagenes y videos exclusivo para nuestros clientes , con asesoramiento de nuestros medicos veterinarios, asi recibira la mejor asistencia y asesoramiento. - A los cachorros le damos uno de los mejores alimentos para mascotas del mercado, manteniendo asi una excelente alimentacion. Para mas informacion contactarnos y con gusto haremos que la llegada de tu nueva mascota a tu familia sea una experiencia emocionante y grandiosa. Tel: Phon: xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Loving Bernese, had 1 litter, beautiful puppies, great mother. UTD on shots. 2 years old. Great with other pets. $4000. xxx-xxx-xxxx.View Detail
Wonderful puppies Smart with an excellent psyche stable character and excellent external data. These are companion dogs they are so devoted and dependent on the person that you will get a loyal and reliable friend! Dogs of this breed are always ready to share with you any adventure Please Text me through my number only for details and more pictures xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Colorado Mountain Dog
Our neutered Colorado Mountain Dog needs a new loving home. Birth date: 2/7/17
This breed typically sells for over $1,000. We will sell him to the right family, who will treasure him,for $200.00.
Best Dog Ever! Perfectly healthy, a gentle giant, laid-back, soft, cuddly, mellow, & easy.
We can't take him where we are going.View Detail
Beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog Puppies For Sale
These are 7 beautiful puppies who are ready to go now, we have 4 males
and 3 females available and are fully vaccinated and are out of our
family pets. Both parents can be seen and have a lovely nature to
them.View Detail
Bernese Aussie puppies
We have 4 females and one male beautiful Mountain Bernese Aussie puppies.Three weeks old they will be ready for their forever home the 1st of the new year! Text Sarah at xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Bernese Mnt. dog
We do this professionally and with integrity. Every puppy bred from federally and state licensed breeders and not from puppy mills. Our puppies are guaranteed for up to 10 years.
You can make puppy payments of about $100 per month. For more info visit our website
Your puppy will receive
- AKC or AKC Partners Registration with Pedigree (family tree)
- Up to Date Vaccinations
- Dewormed
- Vet Checked (Several Times)
- Microchipped (Amber Alert Enrollment)
- 1 year family dog subscription
- 1 FREE Additional Vet Check
- AKC Dog Collar
- DVD and Online Potty & Behavior Training Program
- and is offered with up to a 10 YEAR HEALTH GUARANTEE!!!
Call us for more info at xxx-xxx-xxxx or visit us online at http://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxView Detail
Adorable Bernese Mountain Dog Puppiesa€¦
Adorable Bernese Mountain Dog Puppiesa€¦You can contact us for more information and pictures via xxxxx( Detail
Locations Where Mountain Burmese Puppies are Available
Alaska, California, Washington, Florida, Indiana, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming