I am selling Mini American Shepard puppies. They were born on October 22nd and their eyes..
Miniature Schnauzer’s ready to be re-homed
Females - White - purebred
Vaccines &..
Bring happiness home!
Our beautiful Golden Retriever Layla had her litter on Septembe..
I have 1 male and 6 females. They are going for 750. Have there first shots and tails are..
This little guy loves to play and be held. He has one white paw and one brown paw. Call o..
Silver is the first born puppy and the alpha of the group. Super smart loves to cuddle an..
Sky is 5 months old his born date is 19th September 2020. His height is about 13-14 inche..
This red Merle boy with 2 blue eyes is 13 weeks old, he is current on all shots and wormi..
Bring happiness home!
Our beautiful Golden Retriever Layla had her litter on Septembe..
These puppies were born on January 20, 2020. They will get 10 - 14 inches tall and weigh ..
4 left out of litter of 8 Miniature Australian Shepherds $7oo Socialized, very loving,Int..
This sweet girl is just 10 weeks old and looking for her forever home. She loves to play ..
1 Female Blue Merle $700
1 Male Red Tri $650
2 Male Black Tri $600
Tails docked and ..
2 male German shepherd puppies. Dad is champion bloodline and 140lbs. Mom is purebred wit..
My 2 females are almost 4 months! where did the time go....Blue Merles, up to date on vac..
Mini Aussie For Sale to good home, She’s potty trained, great with baby’s/kids, other....
Adorable! Mini Aussie puppies ready to go to there forever homes. Great loyal family pups..
Blue merle Miniature Australian Shepherd Puppy
Located in Baker City, OR
Born 6/3/18
Pinky is the most adorable pure bred female Boston Terrier, EVER!! She is playful and lov..
Ready to go! AKC Registered Mini Aussies. 12 weeks old. Born November 6, 2017 At the darl..
Ready to go! AKC Registered Mini Aussies. 12 weeks old. Born November 6, 2017 At the darl..
Now accepting deposits!
Miniature Australian Shepherd puppies born 12/22/17
Will be r..
Miniature Australian Shepherd Puppies lovable and loyal companions ready to go to there f..
We have a second litter of puppies. Mom is 100% miniature red poodle and dad is 50% Bicho..
Mini Aussie puppy Black-tri female, born 1/27/17.
Ready now!
Momma is a 16" re..
www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx visit our website for information on our current litter. Puppies a..
We have 8 puppies that were born on January 1st, 2025. Pictures of the parents are attach..
Absolutely BEAUTFUL "VELVET BLACK" Flashy Girl AKC & CKC with Old Champion lines be..
He is black with,white stripe on his tummy, and stripe around his nose and tip of his xxx..
Purebred standard poodle puppies both male and female ready to go to their new homes Feb...