Sky is 5 months old his born date is 19th September 2020. His height is about 13-14 inches Weight about 15-18 lbs. Coat color is Red tri Color Chocolate brown! Coat length is about 1-2 inches. He is super energetic needs to play very actively for about 3 hours daily. He is very friendly with all the strangers and kids. He loves to play with other dogs and very friendly to them. He is sometimes scared of other barking dogs if he is not properly introduce to them. He loves Tummy rub so much that every morning he will lay down to get that as soon as he wakes up. He shows his love with licking our face every morning. He loves to go to party once a month with other dogs. He is fully vet checked and perfectly fine in health. His all shots are done at Willamette Hospital located in Corvallis. He is not yet Neutered but his doctor recommends to get it done once his age is about 9 months or more. With the price range that I have listed Sky comes with his Crate Fence Diamond Puppy food bag of 20 lbs Few toys Training Pee pads 2 beds for sleeping and a Leash.