Recently Adopted Mini Rex Rabbits Near Philippi
Pedigreed Mini Rex Rabbits
Mini Rex, assorted colors listed below, selling most of my stock, due to unforeseen circumstances I must cut way back (I can only keep one pair), everything I have is listed.
-Proven Sr. Blue doe, pedigreed, brood only (white toe nail) $20
-Proven Blue Otter buck, PET (due to size) $15
(All above are currently in molt)
-Sr. Lilac buck, pet/brood, $15 w/ped $10 w/o
-Black Otter doe, brood/show pros $25
-Broken Amber buck, brood, $15 w/ped $10 w/o
-Broken Black buck, pedigreed, brood/show prospect $25
-Blue buck, pedigreed, brood/show, $25View Detail
Pedigreed Mini Rex doe w/ kits
Hidden Oak's Blu ("Blu") is a Blue Mini Rex doe born on 03/18/2015, FULL PEDIGREE.
She is an excellent producer, she had had 3 litters for me (each one had 5-4-5 kits respectively).
Blue is BROOD only, she is ineligible for show due to her mismatched toenails. However, she breeds true and has some nice babies. She currently has 2 kits on her.
Blu's kits were born 03/24/2017, both have been sexed as bucks. They will be tattooed later this week and will come with their pedigrees. One is a solid blue and one is blue otter (they are out of a blue otter buck).
I am selling out of the majority of my Blues and other colors so I can work on my Chocolates, otherwise these guys wouldn't be for sale.
All 3 will be sold together at this time for $70.View Detail
Mini Rex Rabbits
We're running a SPECIAL OFFERS from today through August 18th (all rabbits must be picked up):
#1 Blue Sr. doe w/ Blue Otter Sr. buck, both pedigreed brood stock, proven producers $35/pair
#2 Blue Otter Jr. doe w/ Blue or Blue Otter Jr. buck, pedigreed $40/pair ($50 for all 3)
#3 Lilac Jr doe w/ Broken Lilac Jr buck, show prospects pedigreed $40/pair
#4 Broken Amber Jr. doe w/ Broken Chocolate Otter Jr. buck, brood, full pedigrees $30/pair
#5 Lilac Jr. buck show prospect, full pedigree $20
#6 Broken Amber Jr. buck, Broken Chocolate Otter Jr. buck, singles $15/BROOD or $10/PET
*These offers are good until 08/12/17, after which time prices will revert to original asking prices, as noted above all rabbits are PICK UP only for the next few weeks unless something happens are we find it necessary to travel.
-Yes I will combine offers and provide another small discount on the rabbits.View Detail