Recently Adopted Maltese Puppies Near Leesburg
Maltese Female teacup 4.5lbs AKC 3yrs
She’s an AKC & CKC Maltese female who has successfully had two litters. She weighs 4.2lbs. She has five a litter. She’s such a sweetheart, very happy, and potty trained. I am relocating for graduate studies and I need to find her a good home. My family has larger dogs that I’m not comfortable leaving her with. Pls, no families with large dogs. **Price drastically reduced, must be a good family and household (NO PET BROKERS-MUST MEET IN PERSON). I paid $3000 to adopt her.View Detail
Maltese female (adult 2 yrs)
xxx-xxx-xxxx She’s an AKC female who has successfully had two litters. She has five a litter. She’s such a sweetheart, very happy, and potty trained. I am relocating and need to find her a good home. My family has larger dogs that I’m not comfortable leaving her with. Normally a longhair dog, but wearing a short puppy cut. I bought her for $3000.00, but want to find her a great family and home. No large dogs pls.View Detail
Micro teacup male maltese AKC
Call us at (xxx)xxx-xxxx: Discounted half price thru 2/10/18 (firm). Beautiful AKC 7 CKC Purebred maltese males, potty pad/house/crate/pen trained, social companion pets. All bright white, silky straight hair, Champion blood show dogs (7 &9 gen).View Detail