Recently Adopted Mal-Shi Puppies Near Stanly County
Tic-Tac the MalShiPoo
Tic-Tac was born 5-15-23, and at 13 weeks she weighs exactly 2lbs. She has had all 3 of her 5-way puppy vaccines, and has been dewormed every other week since she was a week old. Mom is a 6lb Shih-Tzu and Dad is an about 8lb Maltipoo. She comes with an one year genetic health guarantee and health certificate.View Detail
Born May 15th of this year and is ready for her forever home. Mom is a 6lb Shih-tzu dad is an 8lb maltipoo. Up to date on all vaccines and has been dewormed regularly since she was a week old. She comes with a one year genetic health guarantee.View Detail
Last little girl left. She was born 5-15-23 and at 8 weeks old she is weighing just 2lbs. She is the sweetest calmest girl we've had in a long time. She loves to be held and cuddled with but there is only one thing she has found that does not bring her joy and that is the blowdryer. She does good with baths, she loves food, attention, kids, even the cat, but goodness that blowdryer just gets her upset. This sweet girl is a perfect combination of her parents. Her mom is a 6lb Shih Tzu and dad is an 8lb Maltipoo but as you can see in pictures she has more of the poodle genes as far as fur goes, short legs and longer body which comes from the Shih-tzu and the chill care free personality of the Maltese the only thing she is and is completely ready for is her happily everafter story.View Detail
Malshipoo Babies
Two females born May 18 will be ready on July 13. Come up to date on vaccines, on a biweekly deworming schedule, and are backed with a one year genetic health guarantee.View Detail
Little Mal-Shi-Poo Puppies
Born on 11/3/22. These 2 handsome guys will be available to go home right after Christmas. Dad is 9.2lb Maltipoo and mom is a 5.6lb shih-tzu. Mookie is the bicolor boy he is tiny yet mighty with a sweet demenor. Colby is the brown cuddly big boy. Both are sweet yet playful. Started eating can food this week and have been dewormed twice already starting very soon on pad training. They will go home utd on vaccine/dewormings with a one year genetic health guarantee and their health certificate. xxxxxxxxxxView Detail