Recently Adopted Labradoodle Puppies Near Randolph County
Labradoodle Puppies
I have 6 labradoodle puppies that are 5 weeks old. They were born on June 6th. I have 6 girls left and no boys. They will be standard size 55-65lbs. Their mom is 1/2 lab and 1/2 Poodle. Their dad is 1/2 labradoodle and 1/2 golden doodle. Both parents are on site. They have a scheduled vet appointment on Monday July 19th and should be ready for pickup after. They will come with all shots and deworming as well as all records. There is a $200 non-refundable deposit. $1000 at pickup. Please text me for any questions (xxx) xxx-xxx8.View Detail
I have a litter of CKC Labradoodle puppies due the middle of Aug. they will have there age appropriate shots and be dewormed text or call with any questions you may have! Taking deposits now with deposit contract until they are born! xxx-xxx-xxxx Elon ncView Detail