Recently Adopted Jack Russell Terrier Puppies Near New York County
Pure Jack Russell Puppies
our lovely girl has had 4 beautiful puppies 1 boy black and tan ,2 boys tri colored and 1tri girl they are 12weeks old and are ready to leave mum until now. mum and dad are both our family pets and puppies have been brought up around other pets and our children our dogs are very well exercised as we live out in the country and have access to miles of field land puppies are vet checked wormed and flea before leaving also micro chipped and 2nd vaccinations will be done for any more info text me:(xxx) xxx-xxx8 thanks.View Detail
Good Quality Jack Russell Dog Pup
Very nice Jack Russell dog pup. Broken coat, mostly white with some tri color markings. Wonderful temperament, well socialized. Soft and gentle and generous with his love. Outgoing, happy puppy. Legally docked and micro chipped, comes with the paperwork. Show or companion. NO time wasters please.View Detail
Jack Russell X Lhasa Apso Pups For Sale
lovely mixed litter of Jack Russell x Lhasa Apso pups for loving homes reared in the home so well handled and socialized have been wormed and DE-flead both parents can be seen the pups have a variety of coats from very fluffy to wire haired and also flat coated great fun and very playful ready now two boys and one girl still on offerView Detail
Pure Jack Russell Puppies
our lovely girl has had 4 beautiful puppies 1 boy black and tan ,2 boys tri colored and 1tri girl they are 10weeks old and are ready to leave mum until now. mum and dad are both our family pets and puppies have been brought up around other pets and our children our dogs are very well exercised as we live out in the country and have access to miles of field land puppies are vet checked wormed and flead before leaving also microchipped and 2nd vaccinations will be done for any more info please contact us via phone thanks.View Detail
Jack Russell Puppies(xxx) xxx-xxx5
These gorgeous mini Jack pups are fully vaccinated and ready to go All carry the chocolate gene from dad who is Union.jacks Charlie chocolate 9 inches tall, PLL,SCA,OAL tested and clear. Mom Union.jacks Magpie (Maggie) Tri colour, 8 inches tall, blue & chocolate carrier (also the mother of Union.jacks Breave heart health tested for the same as Charlie and clear) Pups ready & looking for RESPONSIBLE, KIND, LOVING, PERMANENT HOMES ONLY.Pups are vet checked, fully vaccinated ,micro chipped, wormed, flea free with 5 weeks free insurance and super puppy pack.All 5 pups were DNA tested for The blue gene 3 Chocolate CARRIERS available (carry chocolate only & do not carry the blue gene) TEXT OR CALL US .. (xxx) xxx-xxx5View Detail
Jack Russell Puppies(xxx) xxx-xxx5
These gorgeous mini Jack pups are fully vaccinated and ready to go All carry the chocolate gene from dad who is Union.jacks Charlie chocolate 9 inches tall, PLL,SCA,OAL tested and clear. Mom Union.jacks Magpie (Maggie) Tri colour, 8 inches tall, blue & chocolate carrier (also the mother of Union.jacks Breave heart health tested for the same as Charlie and clear) Pups ready & looking for RESPONSIBLE, KIND, LOVING, PERMANENT HOMES ONLY.Pups are vet checked, fully vaccinated ,micro chipped, wormed, flea free with 5 weeks free insurance and super puppy pack.All 5 pups were DNA tested for The blue gene 3 Chocolate CARRIERS available (carry chocolate only & do not carry the blue gene) TEXT OR CALL US .. (xxx) xxx-xxx5View Detail
Jack Russell puppies
These Jack Russell puppies radiates a feeling of love, happiness and fun, with her puppy antics and puppy eyes. This lovely show dog level Jack Russell , will have snapping photos all day everyday. A simple walk down the street will have people doing a double take at how small and adorable they are . If you are looking for a new furry addition into your life that will bring you happiness, love and affection.View Detail