Recently Adopted Indian Ringneck Birds Near New Jersey
Looking for a female ringneck, can not be blue for to hard to tell sex when littleView Detail
Want to buy indian ringneck yellow female 5-6 month old.
Want to buy indian ringneck yellow female 5-6 month old.
Healthy.View Detail
Henny and lola
Before you send me a message please know these birds live for over 30 years they need attention and love .They need their cage cleaned Dairy they get dry food and fresh Vegetable and eggs and fruit ect They are loud and vocal.
Green Bird is Henny young male we got him at 4 months the is tames and like to be held he is under 2 He does say words and like to watch you tube of talking indian ringnecks
white bird female Lola I got her from a pet store in the Bronx she always keep her distance from humans but after a years she is more friendly she like her space this March she laid eggs but were not furtile maybe cause Henny is to young
I use to get their wings clip but no longer, they stay in there room and cage
l've had these birds for just about over 3 years but due to unforeseen circumstances I have to rehome them. I'm hoping to re home them to someone who can love them the way they deserve. I would prefer both birds to stay together will give food cages and all their toys . No scams please there is a rehoming feeView Detail
Indian ringneck
Hello everyone I have 6-8 weeks old babies for saleView Detail
2 Indian Ringneck Parakeets
Two female Indian ringneck parakeet's both about 5 months old, Will sell both separate or together. Asking $150 for each. Both beautiful sweet Birds and need a kind loving home. For serious inquiries please contact me. Looking to rehome as soon as possible. Call xxx-xxx-xxxx or email xxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
Ringneck African
Sweet African Ringneck Green this is an African not an Indian Ringneck smaller in size than the Indian and quieter Under 1 yr and has never bitten.Sweet bird.Will get the neck ring at about 2 yrsView Detail
Locations Where Indian Ringneck Birds are Available in New Jersey
Cumberland County, Union County, Monmouth County, Ocean County, Bergen County, Burlington, Burlington County