Recently Adopted Guinea Pig Rodents Near Portsmouth
Healthy Male Guinea Pigs
We have a variety of very nice male Guinea pigs available. We have the following with breeds best as we can explain:
1. A crested ivory longer haired male
2. An ivory & white alpaca male
3. A solid black alpaca -he’s shiny & gorgeous
4. An ivory & white American
5. A dilute agouti & white American male -super unique color
6. Mostly black (tiny bit of white on feet) Abyssinian/American cross
All of these males are less than 3 mos old and were born in a few separate litters. They’re handled often, fed Kalmbach Guinea pig feed from Located in southern ohio 45648. You can text me at xxx-xxx-xxxx to arrange purchase. Some of these are not easily obtained but we need to downsize our male herd so we’ve discounted them. They’re all very healthy and active. See pics to get an idea of what they look like. The only one I don’t have a picture of is the crested ivory male. He has a cowlick on top of his head like Manny from Ice Age. That’s why I named his grandfather Manny. Consider 2 because Guinea pigs don’t fare very well by themselves. We will sell 1 for $20 or 2 for $30 to ensure two can go for company at discounted price. I’ll sell you all 5 for $10 each but only if you take them all. Text me and let me know. Sorry no available females.View Detail
Young Healthy Guinea Pigs Ohio
We have 5 healthy baby Guinea pigs born mid Huly . Theyve been eating and drinking on their own and arent bothered by handling.
Colors & genders are on their pics. We have 2 girls and 3 boys available from multiple litters, some with super neat colors like frosted tri color, blk/white magpie & lilac harlequin. A couple of the boys are crested also with the one primarily buff colored one having longer than usual hair.
They have shiny, healthy coats and have been kept clean and enjoy greens and carrots.
Priced well under pet store cost at $10 each. We feed Kalmbach All Natural Guinea Pig Select pellets. Located in Scioto county down in southern Ohio. Contact us to inquire about one of these sweet piggies.View Detail