Recently Adopted Golden Retriever Puppies Near Cedar Rapids
Golden retreiver puppies.
We have been breeding our female since 2019. This is her 3rd little and our males 1st litter. They were born on June 25th and will be ready to go to their furever homes first week of september. They will have their shots done and will be dewormed before going to their furever home. Dewclaws are also removed. Both parents are AKC and the litter was registered. All the pups are healthy and energetic. My name is kris and you can contact me at or xxx-xxx-xxxx. We live in Cedar Rapids,IA. We have 5 males left. They love to play hard and cuddle.View Detail
5 Month Old Golden Retriever Pup
Looking to find a loving home for my Golden Retriever Pup. It is difficult to give him up. Thought he would work out for me--but my lifestyle and home have not been a good match for a pup/dog. I think it is only fair to make sure he is in a good home before he gets too attached to me (and me him) I'm already attached to him--but I know it is best to do this for all. I want what is best for him. He is so incredibly sweet. His name is Radley. We have already gone through all the tough puppy stuff together--so you wont have to do all of that. He has been through teething--lost all his puppy teeth. He is potty trained in the house. He enjoys daily walks after each meal. Usually a walk around the block. He sleeps through the night in his wire kennel.(with a cover) Noises in the house don't bother him. He still needs more training but he knows the basics. Sit, laydown And stay. He is working on down. And no jump. He is happy to be at home and hang out on his dog bed or find a spot somewhere in the house to sleep on the floor or play with his toys. But he would also like to play fetch in a wide space in the house or up and down the stairs. If you just want to cuddle with him--he loves to come into your lap to feel connected with you. He has his favourite toys. Kennel and toys are also part of the sale. (they would help his transition to his new home) He is truly very sweet --like most Goldens. He is not pure AKC Golden--I bought him from a Breeder that breeds Goldens as a hobby on a farm. His mother was not pure golden--she is part AKC--But his Father is all AKC Golden. His Mother is a Red Golden and his Father was a Traditional Golden Colour. Radley also knows how to shake and rollover. He loves a treat. And he is a soulful guy--he likes to sit and stare out into the distance just as much as he likes to play fetch or sniff things out on a walk. He is good with other dogs--he has been to pup daycare. As I said--this is heartbreaking for me. Such a good sweet pup that will no doubt be a wonderful dog. I will never get to see him develop into that great dog. But you will. I wish my home and lifestyle was a better match. I dont have the time or energy for a dog now. Oh--he does have a chip--in my name--from the Humane Society--but I am certain that they can switch the name on the registration. Contact me and we can discuss him and other questions you might have. He's a really good pup.View Detail
Pure bred golden retreiver puppys
We have 5 males and 1 female born on dec 19th 2019. Both mom and dad are AKC and babies are registered. They will be ready for their furever homes by the end of february.View Detail
Akc Purebred Golden Retriever Puppies Available
We have the best Golden Retriever puppies that you can ever think of they are very sweet and lovely Purebred Golden Retriever puppies. Both Male and Female. Shots up to date and already been Dewormed. adorable AKC Reg Golden Retriever puppies male and female ready to goView Detail
outstanding golden retriever puppies ready now
Pleased to announce these beautiful pups are now available to view with mum and looking for their forever homes, 7 girls 2 boys. Brought up in our family home and used to being handled. Both mum and dad have been BVA testedView Detail
amazing go0lden retriever for lovely homes
4 Adorable gorgeous looking pups are available now for new loving homes!!! Mother and father are both kennel club registered golden retrievers and are our family members and friends. We love our dogs and we will miss them so please do think contact us at xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
lovely golden retriever puppies for lovely homes
We have one remaining, beautiful, little girl golden retriever puppy from a litter of 7. She is kennel club registered, has been microchipped, wormed upto date & had her 1 injection & kennel cough drops alongside a full health xxxxxxx.xxxxxxx us at Detail
golden retriever pups ready
The girls are A£950 boys A£900. Beautiful, well socialised, outgoing, friendly puppies, who have been born and reared in the house and will make a fabulous addition to any family. .. us at Detail
golden retriever pups ready
Stanley our chunky gentle giant available for stud duties kc registered excellent pedigree if puppies are anything like their dad they will be gorgeous the stud fee is for 2 matings 48hrs apart his largest litter so far is 12 chunky pups contact us at Detail
beautiful golden retriever puppy ready now
Offered out to stud is our super handsome boy , he is a lovely natured golden retriever a beautiful example of the breed, Our boy is KC registered,. Archie's mother has been Australian Supreme Chsmpion. Archie is from show dog lines. He has cont6act us at xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
golden retriever for lovely homes
A unique "Special" litter for the most discerning owner, Dark Golden,highly trainable, kind temperament,superb pedigree, Extensive BVA health tests,(please digest carefully the below Very Important Health test details) with outstanding cont6act us at xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
amazing golden retriever for adorable homes
. Merlyn (Topock Time Traveller to Mitcharron ) NEW PHOTOS OF MERLYN, ALSO PUPPIES THAT HE HAS RECENTLY SIRED, 2 of which we have at home with us.THE MAIN PHOTO IS OF A PUPPY BY MERLYN. Merlyn is a well proven stud dog,cont6act us at xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
adorable golden retriever pups
Bailey ( mitcharron buster keeton JW SH CM) is a beautiful specimen of a golden retriever. He has a fantastic temperament with people and other dogs and always wants to please. He has done exceptionally well in the show ring and already cont6act us at xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Golden Retriever Pups
Bailey ( mitcharron buster keeton JW SH CM) is a beautiful specimen of a golden retriever. He has a fantastic temperament with people and other dogs and always wants to please. He has done exceptionally my number xxxxx-xxxxView Detail
golden retriever for lovely homes
outstanding golden retriever pups for lovely home they are playful and adorable to kid and other dog and pet for any details contact us at xxxxxxxxxx??View Detail
lovely golden retriever
A unique "Special" litter for the most discerning owner, Dark Golden,highly trainable, kind temperament,superb pedigree, Extensive BVA health tests,(please digest carefully the below Very Important Health test details) with outstanding contact us at xxxxxxxxxx??View Detail
golden retriever for lovely homes
Champion Sired Golden Retriever for stud duties. Max is a5 years old and Kennel Club registered, in his line there were over 35 show champion dogs. Stunning boy, true type of golden retriever. He's got beautiful light golden coat contact us at xxxxxxxxxx??View Detail
golden retriever puppies available now
We have offered for sale to the very best of homes a litter of 8 beautiful golden retriever puppies. Being brought up in our family home with 3 children, these puppies are totally amazing! 2x males and 6x females available, us at xxxxxxxxxx??View Detail
lovelu golden retriever for lovely home
The last boy puppy in my litter of 6 is looking for his forever family . He is being microchipped and first injection tomorrow (Monday 5th September) and will be ready to go to his new home from weds 7th September .I would however be hap.... contact us at xxxxxxxxxx??View Detail
adora golden retriever puppies
Red toy poodle for stud excellent pedigree. Teddy has a lovely temperament he's gentle and very friendly. His vaccinations are up to date. He is Eyes are unaffected by GPRA this is on his kc papers) and proven. He's about 11 1/2 inches tall. contact us at xxxxxxxxxxView Detail