Recently Adopted Goldador Puppies Near Solano County
Golden Labrador Retriever and Black Lab Goldador born 1/6/23
This big boy I call Cortez because he was the first out of the welping box. He is the leader of the pack. He has had his first set of shots,has been dewormed and the has given him a exam with a bill of good health. He was born on 1/6/2023 and is ready to rock and roll. His Dad was from my vets litter his dad is a Golden Labrador Retriever, the vet told me he would live to be 18-20yrs old and weigh up to 100pds. His father bloodline is strong no problems with hip dysplasia going back from parent to grandparent to great grandparent. Now the mother of this puppy is Black Lab and Golden Retriever mix. When I got her I was able to see the parents of the mother. The mother dad was a big black Labrador and the mother was a black lab and golden retriever mix, which makes this little guy a "Goldador". When examined at the vet at 8 weeks he weighed 20pds. His demeanor is very sweet and loves to be in the middle of the action. He now's how to sit and lay down by command and is well on his way to being potty trained to go outside. These puppies are great family dogs and love water and just having fun. If you are interested please message me to make arrangements to come and meet this little rascal or if you have any questions. Thank You.View Detail
Goldador Puppy
Hi there are 4 pups born 1/6/23 and current weight is 20pds.They have had their 1st set of shots and were dewormed and the vet gave them a bill of good health at their exam. Their father is from my vets litter of Golden Labrador Retrievers, the vet promised me that he would live to be 18 to 20 years old and weigh up to 100 pds. His bloodline is strong there was no problems with any hip displasia dating way back from parent to grandparent to great grandparent he was quite excited to see the puppies and give them there shots.They are learning how to sit and lay down and they are well on their way to using the bathroom outside. A great family dog. Message me if you want to see more pics or come and meet this adorable little rascals.View Detail