Recently Adopted German Shorthaired Pointer Puppies Near South Dakota
German Shorthair Pointer
He is 6 months old male and thought wife and I could keep up with him. We have had him 3 weeks. Great temperament but need to be walked often. He is potty trained and I have taken him in the field every weekend. Shots are up to date. Ozzy was born Aug 31st 2023. He is a purebred. But I didn’t want to pay the $150 for papers. Breeder had 5 males at the time that were all about 5 month plus old. Hate to see him go but needs someone younger. Mellette SD. Dan xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Registered GSP’s
Piedmont GSPs focuses on healthy puppies bred from well loved and cared for parents. Each puppy is loved and given the best opportunity to be wonderfully socialized with both children and other pets. They are natural athletes and very trainable dogs. Keep in mind this breed is high energy they are also incredibly smart! We are willing to meet with you within a reasonable distance from rapid city SD Area with agreed upon travel fee. Please contact us for details. $300 deposit. TView Detail