Recently Adopted German Shorthaired Pointer Puppies Near Pittsburg County
We have 8 Week Old German Shortheaired Pointer/ Chihuahua Puppies
The puppies where born 10/19/19 and are now 8 weeks old and ready to be adopted out to loving families. There are 6 girls and 5 boys so, 11 total! Their Mom is a German Shortheaired Pointer/ Hunting Bird Dog. She has the webbed paws built for swimming in water the retrieve game. This was her second litter of puppies. Her first pregnancy she just had 1 male whome we kept. He's a full blooded sibbling to the puppies and is 8 1/2 months old now. If you look at his pictures you can get an idea of the size and what the puppies will grow to look like. The father is a Chihuahua which makes the puppies a very rare breed. They have been weened from nursing and are completely on puppy food now. Not fully potty trained yet but working them on it. Any of these sweet little ones would make a great addition to a home and a sweet Christmas gift for a family this year! If you or anyone you know may be interested in adopting any of these cuties please feel free to message me.View Detail