Recently Adopted German Shepherd Puppies Near Rockford
German shepherd puppies
Born march 15th I have both mom and dad , males and females available price is negotiable . Will be ready for forever homes at 8 weeks old .View Detail
Sell puppies/ cash only
Tengo disponible 3 hembras y1 machito Tienen 1 mes con 3 semanas 1 male and 3 femaleView Detail
German Shepherd Puppy (6 months)
Meet Rosie, a beautiful German Shepherd born May 28, 2018. Rosie has had all of her deworming and received her rabies vaccination 09/21/2018. She had not been spayed. We purchased her as our first dog off a classified ad in August. We admittedly bit off more than we are willing to chew with a new puppy. Rosie is very friendly, and enjoys receiving attention. She is already house trained and knows to wait by the door when needing to go outside. Aside from that, she is starting to grasp sit and stay. She sleeps soundly all night in her crate, no crying. We are happy to include her favorite toys, a brand new Halti Harness with leash for walks, treats, a few pounds of her food, nail clippers, hair brush and a few other misc. items.View Detail