Recently Adopted German Shepherd Puppies Near Andalusia
New born German Shepard puppies akc registered.
You can message me for more details the litter was born on the 7th of April. 5 males 3 female.View Detail
Thorn is a bundle of energy wrapped in fur, a playful and affectionate companion with a h..
We have two Shepherd puppies left one male and one female. Our puppies are pure bred AKC ..
3 months old beautiful playfalls lovable puppies Full of energy easy to train looking for..
You can message me for more details the litter was born on the 7th of April. 5 males 3 fe..
We have two Shepherd puppies left one male and one female. Our puppies are pure bred AKC ..
They are 11 weeks old 3 males one female $400 obo they are german line..
AKC 5 Males 4 Females Excellent bloodlines. Czech German Shepard working line dogs from a..
I have 6 male cocker puppies 3 black and white and 3 liver and white..
I have two litters available that were born just within a couple of days of each other. L..
I have small toy pomskys pups available Call or text xxx-xxx-xxxx for information. Mom an..
F2BB. Fourth and final litter from our “Teddy Bear” mama. 2F and 4M still available i..
ICCF/UKC (full rights) cane corso puppies available for new homes Feb 1st. Taking deposit..
You can message me for more details the litter was born on the 7th of April. 5 males 3 female.View Detail