Recently Adopted Doberman Pinscher Puppies Near Peoria City Township
Dobies for sale!!!
They are 5 weeks old. Mom and dad are both very healthy. Theyll come with akc registation, tails docked, and have their first round of shots. Contact me @ xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
AKC Doberman Pups Available!
MWD Doberman introduce our new litter with 11 healthy pups. Due to size of litter and age we are having a sale on our Dobes. Red males, Red females, Black males and Black Females $500. Ears natural. One black male with ears cropped for $1000. All pups come with full AKC papers, up to date on shots, dewormed, tails docked, and dewclaws removed. Family raised and kid socialized. Visits welcome by appointment. Call/Text xxx-xxx-xxxx if you are interested. Champion lineage in mother and father. Sire's father on is a champion. Updated photos can be sent upon request.View Detail
Male Doberman pinscher puppies ready for re homing
Binam is my male Doberman pinscher puppies that is ready for re homing now, shipping is available and for a good priceView Detail