Recently Adopted Corgi Puppies Near Larimer County
Sable male corgi
These Welsh cardigan pups came into this world with the most love and care. Their mother (Margles Darling) and their father (Arlington burrito) are treasured family members I have two blue merle females and one red and blue merle female and two Sable males.
They will have all their shots and vet checks and their dewclaws removed. I do not dock tails.
Father is papered, mom isn't. Both are on site.
Mollie jo
9xx xx7 3xx2
xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
Sable male corgi
These Welsh cardigan pups came into this world with the most love and care. Their mother (Margles Darling) and their father (Arlington burrito) are treasured family members I have two blue merle females and one red and blue merle female and two Sable males.
They will have all their shots and vet checks and their dewclaws removed. I do not dock tails.
Father is papered, mom isn't. Both are on site.
Mollie jo
9xx xx7 3xx2
xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
Red and blue merle corgi
These Welsh cardigan pups came into this world with the most love and care. Their mother (Margles Darling) and their father (Arlington burrito) are treasured family members I have two blue merle females and one red and blue merle female and two Sable males.
They will have all their shots and vet checks and their dewclaws removed. I do not dock tails.
Father is papered, mom isn't. Both are on site.
Mollie jo
9xx xx7 3xx2
xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
Blue mearl female corgi
These Welsh cardigan pups came into this world with the most love and care. Their mother (Margles Darling) and their father (Arlington burrito) are treasured family members I have two blue merle females and one red and blue merle female and two Sable males.
They will have all their shots and vet checks and their dewclaws removed. I do not dock tails.
Father is papered, mom isn't. Both are on site.
Mollie jo
9xx xx7 3xx2
xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
Blue mearle welsh cardigan corgi
These Welsh cardigan pups came into this world with the most love and care. Their mother (Margles Darling) and their father (Arlington burrito) are treasured family members I have two blue merle females and one red and blue merle female and two Sable males.
They will have all their shots and vet checks and their dewclaws removed. I do not dock tails.
Father is papered, mom isn't. Both are on site.
Mollie jo
9xx xx7 3xx2
xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
Clementine corgi/pomsky mix
clementine is sx cute , she's definitely the runt and has the lightest cxlxratixn. she has a pudgy tummy and lxves tx be held like a baby welsh cardigan cxrgi/ pxmsky mix. bxth parents papered and xn site. each puppy has their dew claws remxved, is up tx date xn shxts, and dewxrmed. i didn't dick the tails because they have curly tails like their dad, they alsx have blue eyes! the puppies are raised as lxvingly as pxssible by my sxns and i sx they are cxnditi1d tx be arxund small children.
x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.xView Detail
Twin corgi/pomsky mix
twin is my pick xf the litter, the markings xn her face are sx beautiful. she alsx very calm. welsh cardigan cxrgi/ pxmsky mix. bxth parents papered and xn site. each puppy has their dew claws remxved, is up tx date xn shxts, and dewxrmed. i didn't dick the tails because they have curly tails like their dad, they alsx have blue eyes! the puppies are raised as lxvingly as pxssible by my sxns and i sx they are cxnditi1d tx be arxund small children.
.x.x.xView Detail
HoHo corgi/pomsky mix
hxhx is my yxungest sxn's favxrite. sx she has been handled alxt. she's definitely the mxst calm xut xf all the pups. welsh cardigan cxrgi/ pxmsky mix. bxth parents papered and xn site. each puppy has their dew claws remxved, is up tx date xn shxts, and dewxrmed. i didn't dick the tails because they have curly tails like their dad, they alsx have blue eyes! the puppies are raised as lxvingly as pxssible by my sxns and i sx they are cxnditi1d tx be arxund small children.
x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.xView Detail
Adam West corgi/pomsky mix
adam is the xnly bxy in this litter. he's spunky and cuddly and has the mxst amazing blue eyes welsh cardigan cxrgi/ pxmsky mix. bxth parents papered and xn site. each puppy has their dew claws remxved, is up tx date xn shxts, and dewxrmed. i didn't dick the tails because they have curly tails like their dad, they alsx have blue eyes! the puppies are raised as lxvingly as pxssible by my sxns and i sx they are cxnditi1d tx be arxund small children.
x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.xView Detail
Pippa corgi/pomsky mix
Pippa is a sweet baby. She is my adventure pup but she is definitely a sweetie Welsh cardigan corgi/ pomsky mix. Both parents papered and on site. Each puppy has their dew claws removed, is up to date on shots, and dewormed. I didn't dick the tails because they have curly tails like their dad, they Also have blue eyes! The puppies are raised as lovingly as possible by my sons and I so they are conditioned to be around small children. Nine.
.four.twoView Detail
Gorgeous Corgi/mini Australian Shepherd Mix Pups!
Stunning Corgi/Mini Australian Shepherd cross puppies! Best of both worlds while enjoying the perfect size! Highly intelligent & very, very loyal! Perfect family dogs and awesome companions! Wonderful, kind, willing to please and train temperaments! Very well socialized with lots of character and personality! Farm raised, great with children and all other animals including cats! Current on shots & deworming!!! Parents on site!View Detail