Recently Adopted Cockatoo Birds Near Indiana
Umbrella Cockatoo VERY friendly
she is extremely sweet. she has never attempted xr ever even tried tx bite any1. has never met a stranger. gets alxng with every1, will step up fxr absxlutely any1 with nx hesitatixn. dxes talk and knxws abxut xx wxrds xr sx, lxves tx laugh and dance. she is nxt a lxud bird by any means, she dxes nxt scream she dxes nxt hxller and get lxud and wild. she is very very relaxed and calm. she dxes wxnderfully with children as well and is very very very well sxcialized. every1 is her friend and she lxves tx cuddle up if yxu've gxt cxvers, she's xn yxur lap in them, she is a very sweet sweet bird. very pretty feathering and eats a fruit and veggie diet with pellets added. *rehxme is nxt due tx any fault xf hers* i want tx be very clear abxut that as she dxes nxthing that wxuld cause any1 tx ever want tx find her a hxme. besides life changes. will stay xn a stand if placed xn 1 until yxu get her dxwn. i can't say enxugh gxxd things abxut her. she's just a great girl whx deserves the wxrld. feel free tx thrxw a xffer if yxu are unable tx dx asking, will wxrk with sxme1 but wxn't give her away. 2xxx w/cage 2xxx withxut text anytime. thank yxu. may cxnsider trading but must be arxud same as asking. may cxnsider a reasxnable xffer as well. i dxn't answer calls i dx nxt knxw. best tx text.
sx x x. x x x x x x xView Detail
Mickey is a male cockatoo. He is well trained good with kids. He likes to whistle and dance for all the attention he can get. Hes is very friendly pretty bird and great to have around. I can no longer have him where im at so he needs a good home.View Detail
Sulphur crested cockatoo
Names angel, 21 years old, female. Likes to play with baby toys, dance, talk words like (hello, pretty bird, angel, what you doing, night night) tie and untie knots (puzzles) hangout on shoulders, be held and swing on hand. Favorite nut is a pistachio. Lays eggs (unfertilized) got a new job and will be moving soon and dont have the time to spend with her that she needs and deserves. Comes with cageView Detail
Cockatoo umbrella
She says over 100 words.comes with cage.grest bird.sings the national anthem too.good home a must.View Detail
Male and Female Triton Cockatoo
A born entertainer he loves showing off and loves an audience. Very clever says a few words and has several sounds he likes to perform. Due to my husband now going to work away we feel we cant give him the support and time he deserves. He loves being out of his cage and loves playing with the kids.View Detail
Bare Eyed Cockatoo
Loving home needed for a cheeky talking parrot.
Angel a very rare bare eyed cockatoo from Australia as you know bird export from this part of the world is almost non existent .
She's seven years old lays the occasional egg so more than probably female,She talks well and always greets me with a HELLO or ALLRIGHT and chats away merrily all day currently living with four Blue and Gold Macaws but has her own expensive cage likes a tickle but a little nervousness since living with other birds. She's looking forward to a warm family home before the weather turns.View Detail
Locations Where Cockatoo Birds are Available in Indiana
Allen County, Marion County, Morgantown, Grant County, Knox County, Indianapolis