Recently Adopted Cockatoo Birds Near Greensboro
Crested Cockatoo
beautiful cockatoo. He is a lovely pet and is very friendly. He loves to give a show, he talks, dances and loves to play. He loves having his wings rubbed and would be glad for you to touch him he has been hand tamed and would gladly step up once he is comfortable. He is very talkative and loves attention.View Detail
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
beautiful cockatoo. He is a lovely pet and is very friendly. He loves to give a show, he talks, dances and loves to play. He loves having his wings rubbed and would be glad for you to touch him he has been hand tamed and would gladly step up once he is comfortable. He is very talkative and loves attention. Would usually ask where you are going when you leave the house He would rather stay out of the cage sitting on the topView Detail