Recently Adopted Cockatoo Birds Near Cook County
Gentle Parrott
My Name is Luna. Female Cockatoo. Age 7-8 yrs old. Had her for 4 years. Affectionate and goofy personality. She will let you pet and carry her. very smart, talks and learns very quickly. She loves to dance and engage in our conversations. Enjoys to be petted under her wings and head. Relocating and can't take her with me. Selling with full size cageView Detail
Cockatoo umbrella
Hi I’m selling my umbrella cockatoo for 1800 his name is Alex he is 7yrs old he can talk says hello pretty girl goodbye I love you and much more words he is really funny and good to have also he dance if you have music playing he comes with a cage it’s sad to say I can’t keep him no more we are moving and they don’t allow pets my phone number is xxxxxxxxxxx text me if I don’t answerView Detail
Umbrella cockatoo
Hello Chicago here comes the time of making your dream come true male and female umbrella cockatoo, they are very tame and friendly birds, enjoys dancing and playing around, with really good with children And likes to cuddle alot. They eats regular parrot food aswell as fruits and other foods.for more information call or text xxxxxxxxxx first come gets discountView Detail
Exotic bird
They are good loving pair of birds very beautiful and adorable to be withView Detail
Cockatoo umbrella
Cockatoo umbrella (male)
10 years ago
He is name habibi
He is so cute !View Detail
Selling my pet moving and I cannot have pets
Great bird When it’s hungry he’ll start screaming loves fruit very sweet birdView Detail
2 year old Umbrella Cockatoo needs loving home due to family expansion. We now have 6 children and little time for the bird. She has become rather jealous for attention and likes to mimic the two year old at times. She dances and says her name. She does love to cuddle. She is loud at times and may bite if startled or threatened. She will thrive with attention and love. Sad to have her leave. Comes with large cage, perches/toys and remaining food.View Detail
Please text (xxx) xxx xxx6 if you're interested..1 year old Umbrella Cockatoo needs loving home due to family expansion. We now have 6 children and little time for the bird. She has become rather jealous for attention and likes to mimic the two year old at times. She dances and says her name. She does love to cuddle. She is loud at times and may bite if startled or threatened. She will thrive with attention and love. Sad to have her leave. Comes with large cage, perches/toys and remaining food.View Detail
Booby the Cockatoo
Born on the 12/12/2013 is our Bobby.
He is very talented and musical.
Could make you laugh all day.
If you'll like to know more about Bobby, please call xxxxxxxxxx...if i miss your call please leave a text and i'll get back to you.
Also you can email for more details and pics...thanks.View Detail
Beautiful Goliath Palm Parrots Ready To Go Now
Beautiful Palm Cockatoo are primarily black and dark gray with a red cheek patch that changes color when they are excited or alarmed. they also have a very large crest and one of the largest bills of all parrots.Very loud they scream if they are not getting the attention they want. Because they can be very loud, they are best suited for living in a house. Beautiful, loving, affectionate, rare in the wild, love to be handled, cuddly, needy, noisy, destructive, requires a lot of time and attention, prone to behavior problems. learn to talk, but already know few words or phrases. You can train them, but they would most likely prefer to just cuddle with you. Very high--They love their owners and want attention 24/7. You need to be prepared to spend at least 2 hours a day with a them to give them the time and attention they need. They need an x-large parrot diet. it is llive, jump sing, play, calculate and dance like you wish. our birds hate to be hungry and to be abandon without care. seeds are what they live best on as food. feeding of palms, zuchinni, cumcubers and other great parrot delicacies. genuine loving homes wanted please, No Time wasters or Picture Collectors I prefer to be contact us via text at {xxx} xxx-xxx2View Detail
Locations Where Cockatoo Birds are Available in Cook County
Chicago, Worth Township, Tinley Park, Bremen Township, Stickney Township