Recently Adopted Cockapoo Puppies Near Rowlett
Bella the sweet cockapoo
Bella is almost 3 months old and very smart. She was born January 24th,2024. She has been vaccinated with required shots up until this time. (shot records will be provided) She has only been inside and very loveable. Unfortunately I have a new job and can not be home as I originally was. I have been crate training her as well. This is only till she is potty trained. She is only in crate at night for bedtime. She is very playful. Please ask any additional questions. Her parents were not more than 12pds. I have listed what the area in our home where Bellas spends most of her time. We do interact and play with her. However she is not potty trained ao we keep her in this area when we are not playing with her so we can spot accidents. Bella comes with outfit, bowls, inside doghouse and food.View Detail