Recently Adopted Clumber Spaniel Puppies Near Travis County
Toby the pup
He is a great dog! He never bothers he always wants to be with you and is great company overall. I am selling him because I do not dedicate him enough time and he needs more time dedicated! I am looking for a family that will love him and take care of himView Detail
Ready Now Kc Cocker Spaniels Black With Green Eyes
there are the last pups from a litter of 5. there are black with a tiny bit of white on their chest. He's a really active, playful, chunky little boy, very affectionate and loves cuddles. Brought up in the home with other dogs, a cat and visiting young children. Both mum and dad are black working cockers. Mum is a wonderful family pet as well as a loyal shooting companion and dad is a family pet, both have really good temperaments.View Detail