Recently Adopted Chihuahua Puppies Near Myrtle Beach
Girl 2 smooth haired chihuahua puppy
She is a sweetheart and loves everyone including other dogs and kids. She loves to be held. She has had her first shots and been dewormed. Both her parents are smooth haired chihuahuas. She is 9 weeks old. No papers for registration and that is why she is just$400.00 She is solid white with 3 small tan spots. She is the sweetest of her litter.View Detail
Girl 1 smooth haired chihuahua puppy
She is tan with some white . Both her parents are smooth haired chihuahuas. She is 9 weeks old and has had her first shots and been dewormed. No papers for registration and that is why she is just &400.00 She is socialized with dogs , people, and children. She is precious and playful.View Detail
Boy 2 smooth haired chihuahua puppy
He is is almost solid white with a couple of small tan spots. He is well socialized with other dogs as well as people and kids. He is 9 weeks old and has had his first shots and been dewormed. His adorable and fun loving. No papers for registration and that is why he is just $400.00 Both his parents are smooth haired chihuahuasView Detail
Boy 1 smooth haired chihuahua puppy
He is 9 weeks old and brownish black with a bit of white. Both his parents are smooth haired chihuahuas. He has had his first shots and been dewormed. He well socialized with other dogs as well as people. He is very playful and is good with kids. No papers for registration and that is why he is only $400.00View Detail
I have 2 full blood chihuahuas available for rehoming. This was an accidental litter. Mom is blonde and is ckc registered. Dad is blue tri and I have sent off for his registration but it has not come back yet. Male one is Hart. I named him that as he is black and white and has a perfect heart on his back. He weighs 3 lbs. male two is dark blue with brindle and white legs. His name is chunker and he is almost 4 lbs. They are 8 weeks old. Born December 22,2023. They have had their first shots, vet wellness check and have been dewormed. They are all sweet and very loving and sociable. I have all vet paperwork for each one. Will need vet references. Vet recommends that they do not go to a home with children under 10 yrs of age since they are such small dogs. There is a moderate rehoming fee to cover the vet costs. Please message me if interested. We are located in Myrtle beach near the airport. xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Female Chihuahua puppy
White female Chihuahua, 10weeks old ou can text me at xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail